In Danish we say “Arrogance is bound to fall”, which perfectly describes this situation (Hovmod står for fald).
Is there a similar saying in English?
@HarriettMB perhaps?
@randahl @HarriettMB "pride goeth before a fall,"
or "the bigger they come, the harder they fall, one and all..."
@randahl "Pride before the fall"
@randahl @HarriettMB in German it's "Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall"
@flying_saucers That is extremely close to the Danish version.
@HarriettMB @randahl Pride comes before a fall.
@randahl @HarriettMB In Dutch Hovmod står for fald is Hoogmoed komt voor de val.
@micheltenhoove strikingly similar!
@randahl @HarriettMB The higher you fly, the harder the fall
@randahl "Pride cometh before the fall" is the classic.
@randahl @HarriettMB “Pride goeth before a fall” is the one I was taught. It sounds like it might be biblical or some olde English phrase. OR we possibly imported it from the Danish/European phrases - we did/do that a lot
@fionasboots it is biblical.
@randahl it’s from proverbs in the bible
Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
A lot of common sayings have biblical roots that we've forgotten, but they stick around.
@randahl @HarriettMB
Man, we're so alike...
In Dutch it would be "Hoogmoed komt voor de val"
@martinlentink yes, Dutch and Danish really is close.
Although… can it be considered real Dutch without your wonderful and very recognizable cht sounds?
@randahl @HarriettMB True, though I doubt many would call it wonderful. The Scots, maybe.
@joaocosta @randahl @HarriettMB
It's pretty well answered here in this thread on this Shakespeare page.
"Since pride must have a fall, and break the neck
Of that proud man that did usurp his back? "
@randahl @HarriettMB we say "look at that jackass"
@randahl @HarriettMB pride goeth before a fall
@randahl The term is "commiting hubris." @HarriettMB
@wolf Hubris, hyperbole… it’s good to keep these “H” words handy…
Pride comes before a fall.
@randahl @HarriettMB Same in German, "Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall".
@joaocosta @randahl @HarriettMB that will be #Romania based on the flag and background
Of course
@joaocosta @randahl @HarriettMB That looks quite Romanian for me :)
@randahl @HarriettMB The infobar graphics at the bottom of that video say Stephen Miller is up next.
So that means there's only two more Horsemen left for Kudlow to interview.
RFK Jr. would cover Pestilence.
@randahl Pride comes before the fall.
@randahl @HarriettMB
In Dutch the saying is "hoogmoed komt voor de val" which loosely translates as "hubris comes before a fall".
Different languages but more or less the same expression...
Eng.: Pride comes before a fall.
French: L'orgueil précède la chute.
Spanish: El orgullo precede a la caída.
German: Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall.
Italian: L'orgoglio precede la caduta.
Port.: A soberba precede a queda.
Dutch: Hoogmoed komt voor de val.
Russian: Гордыня предшествует падению.
Mandarin: 骄傲之前必有跌倒.
Jap.: 高慢は転落を招く.
Arabic: الكبرياء يسبق السقوط.
Hindi: घमंड से पहले गिरावट आती है.
Turkish: Gurur, düşüşten önce gelir.
Swe.: Högmod går före fall.
Greek: Η υπερηφάνεια προηγείται της πτώσης.
@VikingChieftain there is no written version of Mandarin, the written language is called Chinese (Traditional or Simplified for mainland), as a common writing was used in China, regardless of what language you spoke and this works for all the characters has a meaning and do not represent a sound like in the Latin alphabet where each character represent a sound.
Not sure it's the correct way of writing in Cinese, think it should have been 骄兵必败 and yealds far more hits on a search.
My bad. I just tried to shorten it to fit the 500 character limit. But you're right, it's simplified Chinese.
@VikingChieftain @aho
"simplified Chinese."
yeah right.. simplified..
not enough for the likes of me..
Yes, neither the simplified nor the traditional writing systems are easy to learn. But it's possible. My son decided to take it on and is now fluent in both speaking and reading.
@VikingChieftain Well versed in international colloquialisms
I'm impressed...
{hmmm.. google translate working overtime.. <shrug>} ;-))
I'm old and out dated..
OFC.. the shinny new AI will get you there..
Still contemplating where "there" might be.
I just treat it as a tool, not as a replacement for actually learning things. It's still too imprecise to be used for larger tasks.
@VikingChieftain Yes.. tools..
books are also tools..
I remeber doing research on various topics and reading books.. ofc.. different authors will have different takes sometimes...
and even from differing views we learn and grow...
Not sure WTF I've actually "learnt" in 70 years,, well, not to put into words..
I just hope it's there when needed ;-)))
You're right on that there will always be a bias. But seeing how quite a few of the tech bros are so willing to kiss the rings of autocrats (Trump, Xi etc) in order to get the dough coming, I'm always concerned with the bias of their tools.
I think we’ve all learned by now that the zipper on your pants goes forward, not backward (unless you're still into Kris Kross), and your legs really shouldn’t be sharing the same hole...
Not totally on point but approximate: “Hold my beer” - Something always bad happens after someone says that.
@randahl If Kudlow was a good interviewer, he wouldn’t put words in his guest’s mouth. It didn’t look likely to me AT ALL, that where Musk was heading was “there’s no turning back”. It looks like to me he knows he’s in a shitload of trouble. @HarriettMB
@randahl @HarriettMB "Pride goes before destruction." Proverbs 16:18. In the Bible.