I now have SimpleX Chat, lol. Idk I was bored so I set one up!
To anyone interested in hitting me up, spam, negative shit or just normal conversations, here's my address (note I won't be online all the time. I'm dealing with something serious right now)
Yes I will setup Signal later, I just wanna rest a bit and get my bearings. This day and yesterday's been a whack..
I got nothing for Signal. I used my brother's phone number but the 6 digit verification number just doesn't come.. He doesn't even know what Signal app is, so I doubt he used his phone number to sign up.
Guess this isn't the day to meddle with Signal. "No Signal" I guess :(
I'mma stick with SimpleX chat. This and the email. I dunno about Matrix+Element though
Ahh I can finally rest, cos now I have Signal account yet again! This time, I won't let go of the phone number cos I have 'Registration Lock' enabled now.
For anybody who's interested hitting me up, here's my Signal account. I'm free to chat (whenever I'm not busy of course). Talk about anything. Ask me about anything there, lol
@reallylazybear nobody talks to me
@reallylazybear sometimes it's kinda feels unnecessary to have these accounts even nobody actually messages you there
@Stomata I mean, you're talking to somebody who's been streaming on Twitch for 4 years basically to nobody. Things don't have to have reason to exist, man. It's all just for fun.
I also like to have it there cos there'd be someone who'd actually see my post days or weeks after I posted it, so yeah.
@Stomata And hey, if you have nobody to talk to, I'm here lol
Just don't expect I'll be always active. I spend some time outdoors as well.
@reallylazybear I'll add you on signal
@Stomata Cool. I'll catch up with you there !