Decisions, decisions, decisions…
Is this the right language to use?
Is this the right framework to use?
Is this the right approach to this problem?
Many software developers are dogmatic and see things as "right" or "wrong"...
But the sooner you accept there is a spectrum between the "right approach" and "wrong approach", the better you'll sleep at night.
It can take some getting used to, but in software development, the answer is rarely "right" or "wrong"; the answer is so often, "It depends"…
This was frustrating earlier in my career when I just wanted to know the "right way"...
Decisions in software development are often nuanced; it’s all about trade-offs.
People are making the best decision based on the available information (and their experience level) at the time...
So whether you're looking back at some of your old work or looking at someone else's work, consider the circumstances in which those decisions were made and don't be so quick to judge...