my wife is in florida this week vacationing with some friends and managed to have the incredible good luck to be in florida during a hurricane, and I'm a little bit jealous
I have never experienced an extreme weather event, being a lifelong west-coaster
I mean. Unless you count san joaquin tule fog. I don't even know if it gets cold enough in california for tule fog to happen anymore.
@rootsworks I thought it's name was karl
@kieran That's san francisco fog, I am talking about the radiation fog in the central san joaquin valley that would cause hundred-car pileups on the I-5 every winter
@rootsworks I guess you aren't counting extreme wildfire smoke? Because I am absolutely counting "the lighting outside makes it look like Halloween all day long" of 2020-09-09 as an extreme weather event. (Attached photo is not color-corrected or edited; that's what it was actually like outside. That lawn was a bit dry but is normally, like, yellow to green.)
@mDuo13 Yeah I don't consider wildfires or earthquakes to be weather. I used to live in the woods west of Redding and there were summers where it snowed ash but half the time the fires were caused by vehicles throwing sparks
@rootsworks I guess that's fair. I consider wildfires to be weather since (a) they peak seasonally and (b) the risk is directly related to wind, heat, humidity, and lightning [which are definitely weather]
They're certainly different from blizzards, tornadoes*, and hurricanes though!
*well, except fire tornadoes
@rootsworks pretty much all the ones I can think of out here have been rain-related (flooding or landslides) or b/c we can't handle snow/ice/cold weather particularly well from an infrastructure standpoint.