1/2: Hear from the #freight professionals complaining the #UK government has done everything not just to derail #greentransport but also to keep adding to their costs:
"There isn't a single route that we run that we can do end-to-end on #electric traction" (yes, they use #diesel trains, ever smelt those?) and "#railtrack access charge has increased by 140% since 2010" (oh, the year the #Tories came to power!) .
I cannot overstate how "third world" this is looking...
2/2: what saddens me is not so much that the #Tories always went about doing what they are best known for (destroying #publicservice, emptying coffers for private gains), but that #Starmer's #Labour have already walked away from their #greeneconomy pledge and routinely insist that any social or #green policy with a backbone are "not grown-up policies". Sure, keep being condescent to your electorate, great tactics! #votegreen #voteindependent https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/08/labour-cuts-28bn-green-investment-pledge-by-half
@sheislaurence I wonder if Keir Starmer is going to get lettuced on election