On mcdonalds.com, if you want to view the nutrition facts for Chicken McNuggets, you need to allow a script from Google Maps.
Google Maps as a critical dependency for nutrition facts.
The critical script: https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?v=3.43&libraries=geometry&client=gme-mcdonaldscorporation2&channel=USRWD-DEP-ProdChannel
@simevidas It totally makes sense, since nutrition facts in Ireland are different than in Germany. Both are in the EU.
@mattias It would be better if this important information did not depend on JavaScript.
@simevidas Actually, it can be done better with GeoIP. So "totally makes sense" does not make any more sense then IP based location determination. Sorry.
Yes, just give me a list of available countries to choose from and default to one that most closely matches my browser's language.
@simevidas Chickens are different all other world so, it needs to know which "chickens" you are talking about
@odo2063 It would be better if this information was available without JavaScript.
@odo2063 @simevidas the site needs to know if you're in a jurisdiction that counts eyeballs as a protein.