#introduction Heya
I'm an ever-on-the-fence about social media kind of person. I briefly lived here as @fomosapien@emacs.ch before its untimely demise.
I will post mostly about #emacs probably.
I do not consider myself to be a professional, but technically I develop software in #commonlisp for a living and have in the past worked in #quantumcomputing at a venerable science laboratory.
My education is in #mathematics and #philosophy
If I could afford it, I'd fry donuts for a living
@slomosapien have the warmest welcome fellow emacsian
"If I could afford it, I'd fry donuts for a living"
I'm pretty sure that's the tagline for software development these days. Welcome!
@withoutclass I forgot that #sdf is running a mastodon instance; I should've joined there :/
I used to have a "lifetime" shell account at sdf.lonestar.org back in the early 2000s
cool that the project is running strong
@slomosapien I have heard that migration is a lot easier/seamless now it you think it's worth the bother. I personally didn't know of SDF but I like computer so it seemed to fit at the time.