If any German needed an argument for voting in the coming general election, look at this fact:
In the US, Trump won with the support of just 75 million votes in a country with 335 million citizens. In other words, just 22 percent of the US citizens decided to drive the country off a cliff, and everyone else is now going down with them.
Wer nicht wählt, ist Mitläufer.
@randahl Reminds me of Brexit
Roughly ⅓ of the electorate in a referendum that was advisory & required no action, drove off a cliff & took the other ⅔ with them
@staringatclouds If it was advisory, wouldn't that mean it was actually the driver who took the three passengers over the cliff after one of them said they wanted to?
@hp The driver AKA the Torys always wanted to go over the cliff