Good luck to @nicolatheron in the #ChicagoMarathon today!
Good luck to @nicolatheron in the #ChicagoMarathon today!
Kenyan Ruth Chepngetich set a world record at the @ChiMarathon Sunday, becoming the first woman in history to finish the 26.2-mile distance faster than 2 hours, 10 minutes. Her time was 2:09:56. #ChicagoMarathon #chepngetich
Ruth Chepngetich of Kenya obliterated the women's marathon world record by almost two minutes on Sunday as she won the Chicago Marathon. #moresports #ruthchepngetich #chicagomarathon #marathon
3:56:41. Pacing/helping my buddy through half, he ended up having some issues that didn’t creep up in training. Second half, I was feeling good and just running for comfort until GI issues hit me at 22.5, walked a bit and jogged it in. No quad pain, happy I got to run, now time to slowly build back up the speed and take another crack at Boston. #running #ChicagoMarathon
Up next: Dopey Challenge (fun run), and Grandma’s (sub-3 attempt?)
Ruth Chepngetich, która w niedzielę w Chicago ustanowiła nowy rekord globu w maratonie, nie zapomniała o wielkim poprzedniku
Kelvin Kiptum, inny kenijski rekordzista świata, zginął w lutym tego roku w wypadku samochodowym. Nie miał nawet 25 lat
Epokowy wynik u pań to jedno, ale na uwagę zasługuje też sukces, który osiągnął uśmiechnięty od ucha John Korir - 2:02:43
To pierwszy poważniejszy triumf w karierze Kenijczyka
Ruth Chepngetich pobiegła maraton w Chicago z najlepszym w historii czasem 2:09:57
Pierwsza kobieta, która mityczny dystans osiągnęła poniżej dwóch godzin i 10 minut
Ruth Chepngetich loopt wereldrecord Marathon in Chicago: #hardlopen #chicagomarathon #wereldrecord #marathon #chicago #ruthchepngetich
15:39 für 35-40K #chicagomarathon
Bin auf den nächsten Podcast mit Ross Tucker gespannt…
John Korir. 62 raus, 60 rein. Bei nem Marathon! #chicagomarathon
I love the things that runners do outside the box.
Happy Marathon Day to everyone running 10x farther than me today in Chicago. Enjoy the perfect weather! I wish I could be out there with you. #Marathon #ChicagoMarathon #Running #Today #Chicago
Die 5K-Splits von Ruth Chepngetich bis 35K beim #chicagomarathon Absolut außerirdisch. 15:00 15:14 15:18 15:19 15:26 15:32 15:43
One month post quad strain and I’m toeing the line at the Chicago Marathon! Not going to be the run I expected, but I have the opportunity to help pace a friend to their goals. Let’s hope the years of base building and the month of cross training will help me enjoy this run through my favorite city #running #ChicagoMarathon