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»90 urodziny Juliana Glovera«
27 marca 1935 roku urodził się angielski aktor teatralny, telewizyjny i filmowy Julian Glover.
12 top best-selling adult fantasy books of all time
These authors have more gold than the Lannisters.
#Books #Discworld #fantasy #fantasybooks #GameofThrones
I always intended to go back to this one and do a finishing pass or two before submitting to the competition on MMF, but the thought of doing so put me off _any hobbying at all_ for several days . So I’m calling this guy done. This will be the hero shot. Also the first mini photo I’ve ever removed the ‘WIP’ tag from.
Sauron now is eying Westeros as a cool vacation spot for some of his warriors.
[13:36] Trees made famous by Game Of Thrones near end of lives
Northern Ireland's Dark Hedges trees, made famous by Game Of Thrones, are "coming to the end of their natural lives," a new trust which is taking over management of the site has said.
#NorthernIreland's #DarkHedges #GameOfThrones
Poimintoja tämän viikon (13/2025) uutuuspelien tarjonnasta.
Can I paint Peter Dinklage?
I'm particularly proud of this one. Also my favorite character in #GameOfThrones
BOOK REVIEW - A KNIGHT OF THE SEVEN KINGDOMS - George R R Martin https://booknerdni.wordpress.com/2025/03/05/george-r-r-martin-a-knight-of-the-seven-kingdoms/ #booksky #books #gameofthrones #review #fantasy #swords #got #fiction #review
乃木坂46 生出演 DayDay. 2024.3.24 https://www.yayafa.com/2245223/ #GameChanger #GameOfThrones #GameOfThronesTheme #GameSidhuMooseWala #GameTheoryCookingCompanions #GameTheoryDressToImpress #GameTheoryFnaf #GameTheoryIntro #GameTheoryMinecraft #GameTheoryPoppyPlaytime #GamerRobot #gameranx #gamerfleet #GamersNexus #games #GamesWithNames #Gamescom2024 #gametoons #乃木坂46
House Of The Dragon 3. Sezon çekimleri başladı: Game of Thrones evreni geri dönüyor https://www.sondakikam.com.tr/gundemden-haberler/house-of-the-dragon-3-sezon-cekimleri-basladi-game-of-thrones-evreni-geri-donuyor/8738 #HouseOfTheDragon #GameOfThrones #GeorgeRRMartin
Probably the most GoT-adjacent I'll ever get.
#firecannotkilladragon #jameshibberd #newpurchase #nonfiction #gameofthrones #bookstagram #midureads
ICYMI: Game of Thrones: Kingsroad coming to Early Access #games #GOT #GameOfThrones https://www.gamerstemple.com/news/35423/game-of-thrones-kingsroad-coming-to-early-access?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Speculating on House Of The Dragon Season 3: epic battles, shocking betrayals, and a mind-bending twist await! Dive into our predictions!
Dive in right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/what-twists-await-in-house-of-the-dragon-season-3-a-speculative-dive-into-westeros-next-chapter
Dragon fans, it’s official: House Of The Dragon Season 3 is in production! Filming started March 2025, promising epic battles and new Targaryens. Get ready for 2026!
Read the full article right here: https://www.theomenmedia.com/post/house-of-the-dragon-season-3-production-kicks-off-with-epic-promises
Encontré esta ilustración de #DaenerysTargaryen que no me acabó de gustar. Ahora veo la idea, los detalles y las técnicas y le he encontrado su mérito.
Además, me ha servido para probar la digitalización de acuarela con #GNUimp
I found this old illustration of #Daenerystargaryen that didn't like me so much. Now I think that the idea and details were good enough.
And it has also given me the opportunity to edit watercolours with #GNUimp
YouTube Tipp
#GeorgeRRMartin Reveals His Dream Project and It's Got Nothing To Do With #Westeros #GameofThrones #HouseoftheDragon #AKnightoftheSevenKindoms
Game of Thrones: Kingsroad coming to Early Access #games #GOT #GameOfThrones https://www.gamerstemple.com/news/35423/game-of-thrones-kingsroad-coming-to-early-access?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon