@Aktiplan was imho nicht geht, ist auf beiden Servern gleichzeitig so mit deinem Account aktiv sein, dass du dort im Home Feed auftauchst, wenn du schreibst. Das funktioniert nur mit 2 Accounts. Wenn es dir ums Lesen geht, also z.B. zusätzlich den Home Feed einer Instanz abonnieren, die nicht deine ist, dann gibt es verschiedene Clients, die das können. #Fedilab, #icecubes und andere.
I had forgotten that TestFlight allows me to install the Catalyst version of #Obsidian. Did that just then. Have read twice now that Obs crashes (it’s never done so for me before) so going to use it for a bit on mobile today and see if it happens here as well.
Also fiddling with #IceCubes for Masto. Unlikely to be better than Mona but “unlikely” things ain’t ever stopped me before.
(It DOES have the social keyboard available, though. Which Mona has apparently lost in the beta. Hmm.)
I've read so much about the death of Fediverse and Mastodon because it isn't "commercially viable".
Creators of Ice Cubes and Ivory are switching to Bluesky for the financial reasons.
What are your thoughts on this topic? If it was for me, an Android user who never got access to these (great) apps, the Fediverse wasn't even alive
Ice Cubes sovellus on siitä kiva kun sen laskuri näyttää kuinka pahasti ollaan oman aikajanan kanssa jäljessä reaaliajasta.
@ds weird to reply to my own reply but #icecubesapp #icecubes lets me view threads and I wasn’t up to fighting through the restrictions on the demo of #ivory so I guess Im an ice cubes user now
@Kaetchi 1. Any profile will work.
2. Search for what you are looking for. My Example: Associated Press or AP.
3. Open the profile page in a web browser. My Mastodon app (#IceCubes ) has this function built in.
4. Copy URL
5. Open #RSS app or site
6. Find add feed function
7. Paste URL and click “add” or whatever that function is called.
8. Stories will then appear in the RSS app
I’ve been having trouble uploading videos to Mastodon mobile app for a couple weeks now so I decided to try a new client. I downloaded a couple and liked #IceCubes the best. It works really well and also it’s very aesthetically pleasing, and makes the Fediverse feel like a warmer place. (It does use #OpenAI to generate #alttext and as a writing assistant which I’m fine with but I know that’s a dealbreaker for some.)
ponieważ skończyła mi się licka na Ivory protestuje trochę Ice Cubes ale widać że lekko nie będzie. Jak zacząłem scrollowac treści z ostatnich tygodni to chyba serwer mnie znielubil bo obie aplikacje zaczęły rzucać błędami.
80 pln/rok za Ivory to nie majątek ale może kostka dowozi to samo za darmo a obie aplikacje od 4m nic nowego nie wypuściły w sumie....
Jednak korzystanie z Ivory jest jakieś takie fajniejsze chociaż pewnie bardziej wynika z lat korzystania z ichnich rozwiązań.
#ios #ivory #icecubes
I’ve tried some apps for Mastodon and I always go back to #IceCubes, I like this app and I think It’s the best for me. #Accessibility #Blind.
Hum… strange. Looks like #IceCubes doesn’t offer editing toots when connected to #GoToSocial… anyone else sees this?
(yes, GtS 0.18+. yes, I reconnected the account. yes, edit works on some other clients.)
Oh, that's interesting. My #mastodon account follows my #pixelfed account.
I made this post with pixelfed: https://pix.lgbt/p/maco/799173597013755750
When I saw it in mastodon web's deck view, clicking the hashtag opened like normal.
When I saw it in #IceCubes (iOS mastodon client) and I tapped a hashtag, it opened a web browser to pix.lgbt's search for that hashtag: pix.lgbt/i/web/hashtag/QueerJoy&src=pd
Tried in a post from pixelfed.social, and yep, reproducible issue in Ice Cubes.
Not sure when, but the issue I had with IceCubes not being able to display anything from my GoToSocial instance is fixed, which means I am switching clients on my phone.
About the "which #iOS App do you use with #GoToSocial" question, I recently started using #Feditext (via TestFlight). And I have no more "cannot connect" errors, so far. Which is not the case with #IceCubes. The Web application #Phanpy also does not happen to suffer from this problem.
Coś mnie ominęło że #icecubes spadło z rowerka w AppStore? Aktualizacji też dawno żadnych nie było? Ktoś coś?