Veja a letra da música “Immigrant Song” de Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #ImmigrantSong
Veja a letra da música “Immigrant Song” de Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #ImmigrantSong
Un documentaire consacré uniquement aux deux premières années (1968-1969) et aux deux premiers album de Led Zep. La partie documentaire avec les interviews des 3 survivants a peu d'intérêt (tout a déjà été raconté depuis longtemps) mais le film fait la part belle à de longs extraits de concert dont certains sont inédits.
Un film qui n'a d'intérêt que pour celles et ceux qui vouent un culte à Led Zep et qui considèrent qu'il s'agit du plus grand groupe de rock de tous les temps, or justement...
#sina #sinadrums #ledzeppelin #rocknroll #alyonayarushina
#Sina (Magdeburg) erinnert mich immer an " Animal " aus der "Muppet-Show".
12:44pm Tangerine by Led Zeppelin from Led Zeppelin III
#KJAC #TheColoradoSound #LedZeppelin
Sehen Sie den Text des Liedes “Rock and Roll” von Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #RockAndRoll
“『Led Zeppelin III』の回転式特殊見開きジャケットを手がけた人物が遺した未公開のオリジナルスケッチを発掘 - amass” (1 user) #ledzeppelin
Käytiin perheen kanssa katsomassa #BecomingLedZeppelin Oli kivasti tehty ja bändi on yksi nuoruuteni suosikeista jota edelleen tulee joskus fiilistelyä #elokuvat #leffat #leffa #elokuva #LedZeppelin #musiikki
Text des Liedes “Going to California” von Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #GoingToCalifornia
Veja a letra da música “Whole Lotta Love” de Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #WholeLottaLove
Enjoy Ween covering Led Zeppelin’s “All My Love” on this Saturday night.
Listening to my #Vinyl #Collection - Album 248
Led Zeppelin – #LedZeppelin III (1970)
No photo for this one as I found it stuffed in the sleeve for Led Zeppelin II
I think I like this one less than II. Though Immigrant Song is an all time banger!
Listening to my #Vinyl #Collection - Album 247
Led Zeppelin – #LedZeppelin II (1969)
This copy may have been run over, I can't be sure. Without a doubt though, the sleeve was left out in a hurricane.
II has my favorite Led Zepplin song, Ramble On.
The songs are long, but at least they're interesting.
When I say I like classic rock, this is the music I mean.
Guarda il testo della canzone “Rock and Roll” di Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #RockAndRoll
O bar da esquina está com som altíssimo, mas pelo menos as músicas estão boas: já teve "Unforgiven" do #Metallica, agora há pouco acabaram de ouvir "Stairway to Heaven" do #LedZeppelin e neste exato momento estão ouvindo "With or without you" do #U2.
Text des Liedes “Immigrant Song” von Led Zeppelin
#LedZeppelin #ImmigrantSong
“Back To The Clubs”
March 21, 1971 ~ Led Zeppelin made a stop at the Boat Club in Nottingham, England during their "Back To The Clubs" tour. It was -- and still is -- a rowing club and intimate music venue. One can only imagine The Zepp in their prime in that setting. #ledzeppelin #70srock #rock #rockmusic #robertplant #jimmypage #johnpauljones #johnbonham #music #musicsky #musiciansky