Any #science #endocrinology #doctor types or knowledgeable patients out there?
Have some questions before I spend money I don’t have re #DHEA & #pregnenolone.:
I’m trying to find a good compounding chemist in #Melbourne #Ausralia to compound DHEA (it’s illegal in Aus to buy off the shelf, need compounding prescription & permit- got both).
BUT! I’m getting confused by the chemists. Some say I must get a DHEA troche or a capsule will convert straight to #estrogen or #testosterone, no chance to tap DHEA receptors (unsure if they exist). I’ve also read it modulated other receptors before being metabolised.Wouldn’t I be better off w a cream in that case? Other compounders say there’s no difference. BS?
I thought #pregnenolone
might help more. It’s the ‘mother hormone’, right?
Since I caught #COVID19 I’m mostly producing low hormones but it varies. Cortisol normalised, still on thyroid meds, oestrogen shot up, no DHEA or testosterone…plus much more going on.