This is a portion of a large photo, postcard and correspondence collection from the Schmidt and Chloupek families of Mishicot, Wisconsin. The majority of the correspondence in this set is addressed to George Schmidt Jr. (1934 – 2007). View George’s obituary here.
Tags: 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1960, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1982, aerial, george schmidt, bernice chloupek, northern life tower, seattle, milwaukee, sheep mountain, washington park, berthoud pass, new orleans, pikes peak, canada, toronto, salt lake city, state capitol, utah, denver, casa loma, col dousman, praire du chien, sherman mueller, villa louis, community house, two rivers, court house, manitowoc, arvin asplund, berry-lincoln store, new salem state park, brookfield zoo, carnegie astronomical observatory, henry schmitt, hooker reflector, mount wilson, hotel manitowoc, douglas bomber, lincoln park zoo, chicago, karl ratzsch’s, john spevacek, jack spevacek, mackinac island, madison, michigan avenue, milwaukee public library, glen kruse, stella solaris, lyle kruse, mungstener brucke, municipal auditorium, sarasota, florida, newport graded school, norwegian america line, ogden, ogden canyon, robert pohl, mount rainier, norway, camp belle isle, harry truman, jackson county, missouri, great lakes, illinois, u.s. naval training center, summer white house, lake superior, risor, bookmobile, schlob lichtenstein, arkansas, louis cootway, sebastian county court house, fort smith, swedish american line, memphis, zoo, smith tower
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#1941 #1942 #1943 #1944 #1947 #1949 #1950 #1951 #1952 #1953 #1954 #1956 #1960 #1978 #1979 #1980 #1982 #aerial #arkansas #arvinAsplund #berniceChloupek #berryLincolnStore #berthoudPass #bookmobile #brookfieldZoo #campBelleIsle #canada #carnegieAstronomicalObservatory #casaLoma #chicago #colDousman #communityHouse #courtHouse #denver #douglasBomber #florida #fortSmith #georgeSchmidt #glenKruse #greatLakes #harryTruman #henrySchmitt #hookerReflector #hotelManitowoc #illinois #jackSpevacek #jacksonCounty #johnSpevacek #karlRatzschS #lakeSuperior #lincolnParkZoo #louisCootway #lyleKruse #mackinacIsland #madison #manitowoc #memphis #michiganAvenue #milwaukee #milwaukeePublicLibrary #missouri #mountRainier #mountWilson #mungstenerBrucke #municipalAuditorium #newOrleans #newSalemStatePark #newportGradedSchool #northernLifeTower #norway #norwegianAmericaLine #ogden #ogdenCanyon #pikesPeak #praireDuChien #risor #robertPohl #saltLakeCity #sarasota #schlobLichtenstein #seattle #sebastianCountyCourtHouse #sheepMountain #shermanMueller #smithTower #stateCapitol #stellaSolaris #summerWhiteHouse #swedishAmericanLine #toronto #twoRivers #uSNavalTrainingCenter #utah #villaLouis #washingtonPark #zoo