From #GraysHarbor #PUD 0935PST
“OUTAGE Ocean Shores
Power is out to 8500 customers in Ocean Shores and Oyehut. Crews are looking for the cause.”
From #GraysHarbor #PUD 0935PST
“OUTAGE Ocean Shores
Power is out to 8500 customers in Ocean Shores and Oyehut. Crews are looking for the cause.”
@ash Always.
It’s that time of the year when we share #Christmas #Pud videos:
Always Room for Christmas Pud
"It's time for the annual viewing of 'Always Room for Christmas Pud'." #Pud #Comedy #Humor #Humour
Always Room for Christmas Pud
How often do you vote in local elections?
140-acre rezone to be taken up by Bloomington’s city council again on May 15
Pomenirea Sfintilor Apostoli Aristarh, Pud si Trofim, ucenicii Sfântului Apostol Pavel #ApostolPavel #CalendarOrtodox #Coloseni #Nero #Pud #SfântulApostolPud #SfințiiApostoliAristarh #Sinaxar #Trofim #ViațaSfântuluiApostolPud #VieţileSfinţilor
#Venezuela #Presidenziali
L'opposizione unita, sottoforma della coalizione #PUD|Grande tenda anti-chavismo, ha scelto l'ex Ambasciatore Edmundo #GonzálezUrrutia come candidato presidenziale per le prossime elezioni di fine luglio.
Bis zum Ende der Einschreibefrist konnte in #Venezuela das Oppositionsbündnis #PUD keine Kandidatur für die Präsidentschaft aufstellen. Nun wurde mit Edmundo González #Urrutia ein provisorischer Kandidat nachgereicht.
Rezone of lot to allow for commercial, not just industrial uses, gets OK from Monroe County
Risks of digestive diseases in #longCOVID: evidence from a population-based cohort study
“we found even in people with mild #COVID19 symptoms who did not receive hospitalization treatment, the risks of GI dysfunction, #PUD, #GERD, & #NAFLD were evident, while the risks of severe liver disease, IBD, & biliopancreatic diseases were not”
#PwLC #LC #postcovid @covid19
#COVID #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid #CovidIsNotOver @auscovid19
L'interdiction de la #publicité contextuelle sur #Facebook et #Instagram élargie à l'Europe
Le Comité européen de la protection des données a annoncé une « décision contraignante ordonnant à l'autorité irlandaise de protection des données de prendre des mesures définitives concernant #Meta Ireland Ltd et d'imposer une interdiction du traitement des données à caractère personnel à des fins de publicité comportementale ».
#pud #antipub #GAFAM
Bloomington plan commission to hear 6,000-unit housing proposal for 140 acres of undeveloped land