Those are pretty heavy questions! My response to each, in order:
1. Yes.
2. Mostly a moving object, but anything could be turned into art, for someone.
3. I think art is subjective, but also a mostly human perception.
Getting harder..
4. I think there are universal properties, like liquid or gas states, but the description of 'wet' is much more limited to near human experience.
OTOH, us trying to create descriptive categories outside of our perception capacity feels fairly pointless. While at the same time, we get easily hung up on those perceptions sometimes, and it blocks deeper understanding of the universe.
"Vibrating object". Great example.
Is it sound when outside our hearing frequency range?
Some people equate sound with our human centric norm only, so you get things like the tree falling in the woods, far from human ears, or 'no one can hear you in the vacuum of space' meme.
An apparently smaller group, myself included, allows for our perception to be a subset of a larger, more general description. However, I don't think science has gone far enough in that direction.
I think I agree with what you said about #QM, which also what is wrong with it, and where it is the most incomplete.