I have updated my Digital Garden Resources and Links page with some new finds

I have updated my Digital Garden Resources and Links page with some new finds
#TodayInHistory 1995 – WikiWikiWeb, the world's first #wiki and part of the Portland Pattern Repository, is made public by Ward Cunningham.
"Wiki" is a Hawaiian language word for "quick". Cunningham's idea was to make WikiWikiWeb's pages quickly editable by its users, so he initially thought about calling it "QuickWeb", but later changed his mind and dubbed it "WikiWikiWeb".
Pictured Ward Cunningham
Top 7 #wiki solutions for #qualitymanagement in 2025
Wikis are an excellent solution for #QM in #companies. They provide centralized #documentation, structured #workflows, and support #compliance with #standards.
We present 7 of the best wiki #software solutions. Find out which one suits you best! https://bluespice.com/top-7-wiki-solutions-for-quality-management
Wikimapia (Kartografie )
WikiMapia je projekt spojující mapové informace z Google Maps s texty vkládanými pomocí technologie Wiki. Projekt založili 24. května 2006 ruští internetoví podnikatelé Alexandr Korjakyn a Jevgenij Saveljev. Cílem projektu je popsat celý svět. Počátkem roku 2010 bylo popsáno více než 11 miliónů míst. I když registrace není vyžadována, bylo na stránkách projektu zaregistrováno více než 650 tisíc...
Today's episode of popular Wiki of the Day is on the article Joe Gatto.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=popular&epnum=2883
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of featured Wiki of the Day is on the article Flotilla (video game).
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=featured&epnum=2881
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of random Wiki of the Day is on the article The Sap (1929 film).
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=random&epnum=2882
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Grad so ca. 40 #Wikipedia Artikel aktualisiert. Habe Tote Links entfernt oder aktualisiert
#Wiki and #AI. Now that we have the first projects in production, our focus in the coming months will be to explore the possibilities further. Next week's HANNOVER MESSE is a milestone in this strategy. We want to discuss very specifically where the journey is going.
So, we invite you to visit us at our stand in Hannover next week. Let's talk about how to move your business forward the wiki way.
Exactly 7 years ago, our #wiki got started!
It was done with an announcement video from #notrightmusic:
(so many differences! still true to the idea)
If you have anything nice to say about our page on its birthday, please write below, in a contextless easily retootable form. :)
Lisons le fabuleux wiki #OSM : FR:Holux.
La société Holux a été créé en 1994. Elle est basée à Hsinchu (Taiwan) et était un fabricant d'appareils GPS grand public de type enregistreurs de coordonnées et navigateurs.
Today's episode of popular Wiki of the Day is on the article Snow White (2025 film).
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=popular&epnum=2882
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of featured Wiki of the Day is on the article Gertie the Dinosaur.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=featured&epnum=2880
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of random Wiki of the Day is on the article Christianity in Zhejiang.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=random&epnum=2881
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
„Fandom and the multimillion dollar business of monetizing volunteer work ” is my newest blog post about Fandom (big F), wikis, volunteer work and capitalism. If you have the time and any of those topics interest you, give it a read.
Aujourd'hui sur le wiki #OSM : FR:Key:paved:date.
Les utilisateurs peuvent être intéressés par l'âge du revêtement, non pas uniquement par simple curiosité, mais aussi parce que cela peut se corréler avec une augmentation des ennuis pneumatiques. Quand cela est connu, il est facile d'entrer les dates.
Today's episode of popular Wiki of the Day is on the article George Foreman.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=popular&epnum=2881
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of featured Wiki of the Day is on the article Michael Tritter.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=featured&epnum=2879
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
Today's episode of random Wiki of the Day is on the article Nuvsvåg.
Listen to the new episode here: https://wikioftheday.com/wotdep.php?pod=random&epnum=2880
See our archives or subscribe here: https://wikioftheday.com
把 wiki 搬回到家裡的機器上
主要是幾個不同的原因組合起來... 當年 (2016?) 去日本的時候買了一台 Panasonic 的 CF-RZ6DDFPR,這台當年主打超輕的日式工作筆電 (像是有 VGA port 與 Ethernet port 的設計),但後來發現日文鍵盤還是用不習慣,就放著沒繼續用了,最近整理發現好像可以拿來丟到弱電的櫃子裡面當小 server 用,這個算是第一個原因。 再來是看到有人提到 Debian 這幾年套件的可用性比起以前萬年 stable 好不少,另外一方面也有 testing 可以用,甚至是 unstable & experimental,對於想要閃開 Ubuntu 各種奇怪的東西會是個還不錯的選擇 (像是各種透過 Snap 強姦使用者的行為)。 前陣子先弄了一台 VPS 跑 Debian 熟悉操作環境,測了一些東西感覺還不錯,就…