More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:

More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:
More about the Baltic Ruby conference and our lineup here:
Mark your calendars!
We’re officially locking in the dates for our next conference in Riga.
See you all at Baltic Ruby from June 12 to 14!
It’s official!
Yukihiro Matsumoto (@yukihiro_matz) is joining Baltic Ruby 2025 in person as a keynote speaker. Woohoo!
Get your cameras and funny T-shirts ready for photos!
Hey folks!
Help us spread the word.
We are looking for sponsors. If you have anyone in your network, please share this post or let us know at
Everything comes to an end, and so does our CFP.
But there are plenty of exciting updates ahead, including the lineup! We’ll publish it in early March. Stay tuned!
Good news!
We’ve received almost 50 applications and many requests to extend the deadline. Now you are welcome to apply till the 1st of February.
#rubyconference #conference #rubycommunity #cfp #lineup #ruby #rails #hanami #sinatra #elixir #oss #opensource
It is almost 1 month before we are closing our CFP and start reviewing process.
Please help us share this! We need more applications.
Yesterday, at a meetup in Warsaw, the electricity unexpectedly went out, creating a truly unique atmosphere — a candlelit meetup. It was really warm and funny! Sergey Sergyenko (@sergyenko) even dedicated an ode to Baker (@srbaker).
#balticruby #rubycommunity #ruby #meetup #plrug
This will be the last flashback to the talks from the previous conference. Today, let’s recall Tobias Pfeiffer (@PragTob), who shared his stories in open source.
Let’s recall Jeremy Smith’s (@jeremysmithco) talk that he gave at Baltic Ruby in Malmö. Thank you, Jeremy, for making it possible!
The video of Fabio Janiszevski's talk at RubyConf 2024 is out!
In "Detecting and Classifying Object Images Using Ruby", our Software Engineer explores how you can expand Ruby capabilities by integrating other ecosystems, using the best of Ruby for digital image processing and AI with the more recent techniques.
Curious to see how Ruby rises to the occasion? Watch the full talk here:
Here we are, warming up for @vilniusrb Christmas meetup.
Our secret Santa is preparing some presents for everyone.
#rubyconference #balticruby #rubycommunity #meetup
We had a great time in Riga at the meetup of the Latvian Ruby community. Thanks to Jānis Baiža (@jbaiza) for organizing and hosting us. Thanks to Sergy Sergyenko (@sergyenko) and Steven Baker (@srbaker) for their talks.
Let’s recall Daniel Magliola’s (@dmagliola) talk at Baltic Ruby in Malmö.
Here’s what Tim Kächele’s talk at Baltic Ruby 2024 in Malmö was like.