Transitioning involves taking hold of your own fate in a uniquely powerful way.
You can be proud of that power.
Transitioning involves taking hold of your own fate in a uniquely powerful way.
You can be proud of that power.
US$5bn is #NotWorth #AsMuch as #IT #OnceWas...
#TrueFacts with #DodgyCoins...
#TheFormerUnitedStatesOfAmerica is #Transitioning to a #HunterGatherEconomy
Being #trans and #transitioning medically is like being a timelord that regenerates.
Just with an extreme lag.
It takes a lot of time but you will look different. With a slightly different personality (because you stop hiding things). You will have the old memories and a new life full of new adventures starts.
Any transition steps you take should be for your own good.
Your friends and loved ones might struggle or reject what you need to do for yourself. They might also surprise you with support.
But this is for you.
If you need permission to look into medically transitioning as a nonbinary person, I'm giving it to you.
Gender affirming care is something that belongs to you, too (regardless of the various legal barriers you may need to overcome).
You deserve a chance to explore and feel happy in your skin.
On the importance of #PointOfView in narratives of #transitioning : "the transition narrative in mainstream art focuses so much on the externalities of a changing body, rather than the internality that is suddenly realizing you have what might be dubbed a soul."
Emily St. James on Using Differing POVs to Write a Trans Novel
#POTUS #Executiveorder review: I have many thoughts. Section 1: manufacturing problems that don’t exist: there is no shred of evidence that #educators are #transitioning #children. Utter #bullshit. Also: states that children thinking critically about their place in #history, as a members of #society and on how society perceives #gender are “erod[ing] critical thinking.”
#BTMobile is #Transitioning to its #NewBusinessPartners, #EE - #IT's #OK - #NoOneCares...
#OnThePlusSide; my #Mobile #DataAllowance has been #Increased; although #IT "should" #BeSaid, I #Struggled to use #All of my #Previous #DataCap in #AnyGivenMonth...
#OnTheDownSide; I've #Lost #InternationalDataRoaming as an #InclusiveService, which I used to #Benefit from #QuiteALot...
#IT's #NotAProblem; because #MyPhone also has #DualSIM #Capabilities; because #Reasons and because #IT's #OneOfTheReasons I bought #IT...
I also #Hold #DualCitizenship, too; #So... #StayingEuropean, whether you #LikeIT or #Not, whether you #VotedForIT or #Not...
You're #VeryWelcome to #SortYourselvesOut, and #YourLittleElves...
#BTW: How is the #PostBrexit #ToryArmageddon #TreatingYou... | #LookNoQuestionMark
#Trump issues EO stop federal support of any #gender #transitioning for those under age 19, and threatens federal litigation to prevent it, period. Any university, hospital, or medical group that gets any federal funding can and will be targeted here.
Why age 19 when age of consent / adulthood is 18? Because it sets a precedent for banning transition care all for adults, eventually.
Dark times for #trans folk and the friends and family who love them.
what is your favorite song that you now see as a #Transitioning song and why is it Bear's Den - When You Break?
serious replies here plz, also boost ok and i will be boosting this a lot today (sorry, not sorry)
Well just saw the musculoskeletal team - I don't have osteoporosis anymore! Thanks to taking testosterone for such a long time, my bone density is massively improving, and the longer I take T, the stronger my bones will get.
So, thanks to medically transitioning, I've grown out of osteoporosis!
#Groundbreaking #sugar #gel might be a #miracle #hairloss solution for #men and #women.
The #discovery began with #research on #deoxyribose, a #sugar critical to #DNA structure. Impressively, the gel performed as well as #minoxidil, a widely used #FDA-approved #topical #treatment for #hairloss.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Transitioning #hair #Hairloss
Thinking now of the terrible #tsunami 20 years ago, i just had an unexpected realisation. In the early Oughties when i #transitioned [2004 - 2006], i used two separate Thai surgeons, for different surgeries, two separate trips [both 2006]. One was at #Chonburi, t'other at #Phuket. The latter is qed coastal, & whilst the former is not, it was a common practice that some of the patients before & after surgery during recovery once released from hospital, would stay at a hotel on the coast [then commute back to Chonburi for the checkups]. Thus, afaict, it is highly probable that, as an unknown statistic, a fraction of the people killed by that terrible event would have been #transitioning #transwomen recovering from their respective ops. Damn.
No one really has a say in what you decide to do with your body.
You are the one who knows your gender best and how your body relates to that.
Don’t let people (cis, trans, nonbinary, or otherwise) pressure you into conforming to their desires.
Transition, or don’t, as you choose.
#RuPaul's #DragRace #star #TrinityKBonet #comesout as #trans
The Drag Race #Season6 and #AllStars6 #icon shared a #statement with #Out.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Transitioning #ComingOut #Entertainment #Drag #TV #Representation #Culture
A #math #professor in #Uvalde finds that the #roots of #hate are surprisingly shallow.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Texas #Uvalde #HigherEducation #Transitioning #ComingOut #Representation #Culture
#EmmaDumont #CamesOut as #Trans #Masculine #NonBinary.
The "#Oppenheimer" #star changed their #pronouns and #name on their #Instagram bio recently ... writing they now go by "#they/#them" #pronouns instead of "#she/#her."
#Nonbinary #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Transitioning #ComingOut #Entertainment #Movies #Representation #Culture
Former #pro #football #player #comesout as #trans, won multiple #championships.
#MavenMaurer may be the first former #pro #football #player to #comeout as #trans. And she was a really good #player with the #CFL.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Transitioning #ComingOut #Entertainment #Sports #Football #Representation #Culture