Bygget på västra sidan om Årstabergs station fortsätter nu med det närmare kvaretet till stationen. Ett höghus igen som del av kvarteret, enligt plandokumenten och visionsbilderna en klart annan fasad än den befintliga gråbeiga tråkklossen iaf.
Here's an interesting thought at the intersection of #yimby and #prorep
Is it a coincidence that Cambridge, MA - which has just passed the most ambitious citywide upzone of anywhere I can think of - is also a rare city in N America where STV is used to elect the city council?
Maybe something about the council being more representative of and responsive to a broader population, instead of being captured by a vocal NIMBY minority.
@paige thoughts?
Everyone in #medfordma who supports upzoning, supports abolishing COSTLY PARKING MANDATES, supports housing abundance -- you all need to show up to City Council Tuesday at 7 p.m.
This is technically Salem Street Corridor rezoning, but it's the first controversial rezoning to happen. And though parking minimums aren't officially on the agenda, they will be soon. City Council needs to hear you are ready to abolish them.
"cities decide that they're afraid of all the people living in the single unit neighborhoods who don't want any more housing anywhere near them.
...And then you end up with, what's the lowest cost building they can get done past their design review board and their historical architectural review board, and then the parking committee and the commercial committee and the parks and zone district committee.
...the principle here that YIMBYs are fighting for is that you really should have multifamily zoning in the entire city."
Pro-Israel Lobby Take Over of Local Democratic Party Delegate Group Despite Emeryville Councilman Priforce ADEM Victory #AIPAC #DMFI #YIMBY #Emeryville #Oakland #Alameda
Cambridge, MA, approved citywide zoning allowing six-story apartment buildings by-right, a landmark YIMBY policy to address its severe housing crisis.
I see some #Melbourne #YIMBY people are upset by the change from 6 to 3 story buildings being allowed in new precincts.
I do note how seamlessly these new 3 story apartments in Carnegie blend in with older homes and are covered up by greenery after just a few years. Hopefully with some certainly about building heights now we will see less opposition and a lot more of these built.
This. This. This. More apartments PLEASE! #housingcrisis #affordablehousing #housing #yimby #therentistoodamnhigh
Office-to-apartment conversions keep rising
> Such flips take time, money, and, often, government help.
I Årstaberg reser sig de första väggarna i kvarteret närmast stationen, och första delen av tornkranen är på plats.
The Strong Towns Housing Toolkit drops February 27.
You can also click here to get a sneak peek at the toolkit and take a quiz to see if your city is ready to welcome more housing. If it is, add it to our map of Housing-Ready Cities!
Sneak Peak:
Enjoy the video, and keep doing what you can to build a strong town:
New research shows how building more housing creates a surprising chain reaction that helps all renters.
Bygget av nya Årstaberg fortsätter. Nu dags att bygga tornkranen för det andra höghuset.
"Vi uppmanar regeringen, regionen och kommunerna att lyfta blicken och se på andra ledande världsstäder. Där läggs resurserna på smart mobilitet och hållbar stadsutveckling."
”De tittar i backspegeln och kör Stockholm i diket” -
#svpol #svpolitik #yimby #urbanism
Förbundet för Ekoparken: Fler kullar, färre hem - och Central Park som avskräckande exempel?
While as an Oxford #yimby I appreciate infrastructure investment in the #Oxford area, it seems to me that the disregard of the net zero goals is not the only dangerous thing about Labours "growth strategy". The seemingly ignorance of any commitment to #levelling_up, if not reckless seems to be at least a high risk strategy.
Hello everyone! I’d like to make an #introduction , if I may.
My name is Donald, and I’m from South Carolina, USA.
After many discussions with friends and family, I’ve decided that my life and future would be better suited joining my S/O in #scotland away from the volatility that’s currently sweeping my country.
I’m a huge advocate of #yimby and #publictransit , love #f1 (yes I know, it’s ironic) and would do anything for my family, including uprooting everything for their safety and future.
Then vs now.
At Årstaberg station (commuter rail & LRT ring line) just outside inner city Stockholm. Big redevelopment ongoing. Low rise light industry to high rise residential (fairly urban). Including eastern entrance going from stairs & ramp up to narrow shared use path, to a a plaza with nice ramp & stairs, wide pedestrian + cycling bridge across, and a big grocery store coming!
Other side getting somewhat redeveloped soon too.
Træk af en bæredygtig udvikling, jeg godt kan leve med:
At få en sø i baghaven.