I usually crop pretty tightly for my posts to #Birds, but sometimes it isn't just about the bird. A Common Merganser in the morning mist shortly after sunrise, Las Gallinas. #Photography #BirdPhotography #Mist #FujiFilm #XT5
I could have watched the Bonaparte's Gulls all day! #Birds #Photography #BirdPhotography #FujiFilm #XT5
Just cruisin' through, seeing what's going on. Red-shouldered hawk, Alexandria, Virginia, USA 25-MAR-2025. #birds #birdphotography #naturephotography
The UK's more populous bird, the Eurasian Wren with approx. 11 million pairs. You wouldn't know it from sightings as these are extremely elusive in the shrub homeland.
A Bluetit distorted by branches
Summer Leys, Monday24th
Rust-Colored Songbird
"This is a brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) perched gracefully on a tree limb. Its vivid yellow eyes stand out, adding an intensity to its watchful expression, while its rich reddish-brown plumage and streaked underparts highlight its striking appearance. Truly a captivating glimpse of this fascinating songbird!
"M-O-O-N"—that spells 'explore my photo gallery' here:
A rare white raven and a black one spotted on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. A couple of white ravens have been spotted in the past few years in the Qualicum area where I took this photo.
Good evening to all friends of the birds.
Long-tailed tit
Things seen In the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil in São Paulo State in mid-March: Green-headed Tanager, Fawn-breasted Tanager, Ruby-crowned Tanager, Black-goggled Tanager (8/x)
Heute konnte ich mich nicht entscheiden, ob die Singdrossel oder die Feldlerche schöner sang.
A Snowy Egret from Las Gallinas, maybe getting its breeding plumage? Looked a bit bedraggled compared to their usual elegance. #Birds #Photography #BirdPhotography #FujiFilm #XT5. The low early morning sunlight helped with the rim lighting on this one.