Hessen: Schon 18 eigens programmierte Apps für die Polizeiarbeit | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Hessen-Immer-mehr-Apps-fuer-die-Polizeiarbeit-10325710.html #Digitalisierung #digitalization #eGovernment

Hessen: Schon 18 eigens programmierte Apps für die Polizeiarbeit | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Hessen-Immer-mehr-Apps-fuer-die-Polizeiarbeit-10325710.html #Digitalisierung #digitalization #eGovernment
#ElektronischePatientenakte: Ministerium hofft auf bundesweiten Rollout ab April | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Elektronische-Patientenakte-BMG-hofft-auf-baldigen-Start-und-kuendigt-Plaene-an-10326643.html #elektronischesPatientendossier #ePD #ePA #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #Datenschutz #privacy
New on our blog!
2nd Episode: AI-Enabled Decision-Support Systems
Online-Terminvereinbarung beim Arzt? Ja – aber bitte vertraulich! | heise online https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/Online-Terminvereinbarung-beim-Arzt-Ja-aber-bitte-vertraulich-10325028.html #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #Datenschutz #privacy
AI ‘Hallucinations’ Are Changing Medicine — Should We Worry? - Medscape - March 14, 2025 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/ai-hallucinations-are-changing-medicine-should-we-worry-2025a1000647 #ArtificialIntelligence #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #Patientensicherheit #PatientSafety
Ethicist Warns Against Sharing Medical Images With AI Apps - Medscape - March 17, 2025 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/ethicist-warns-against-sharing-medical-images-ai-apps-2025a10005tq #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalHealth #Digitalisierung #digitalization #Datenschutz #privacy #ElonMusk #X #Twitter #Grok
#europe #digitalization wake the ... up!! https://eu-os.gitlab.io/ why #Fedora a US-based distro instead of any sane alternative. #OpenSUSE or whatever...sheesh. #Linux #datasecurity #EU
EU-Arzneimittelagentur bewertet erste KI-Diagnose als "wissenschaftlich valide" | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/EU-Arzneimittelagentur-bewertet-erste-KI-Diagnose-als-wissenschaftlich-valide-10324895.html #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalHealth #Digitalisierung #digitalization
"Höllenhamsterrad": Neues digitales Krankenaktensystem in Schweden vor dem Aus | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Millennium-verschrotten-Einfuehrung-einer-Gesundheitsakte-in-Schweden-scheitert-10322664.html #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #Oracle #OracleHealth #Cerner
"An einer Katastrophe vorbeigeschlittert" - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/an-einer-katastrophe-vorbeigeschlittert-20250319 #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #Hacking #CyberCrime
I got an invitation. I added it to my calendar. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?
In reality, I got asked (via Slack) whether I wanted to join some session, and answered, "Yes." Then I got an email (Cc'ed) from the person who had asked me to the organizer, requesting that I be added to the session. Then I got an invitation email from the organizer. The email didn't contain a calendar entry, though. It contained a link to an online form where I was supposed to register myself. So I did that and received a new email welcoming me to the session. This email also did not contain a calendar entry, but there was a link to add a calendar entry.
Clicking the link took me to a web page offering several options to add a calendar entry, among them, "Outlook." Since the company I work at uses Microsoft products for email and calendar, I chose this one. I don't know if this works on Windows. On my Linux box, it caused the browser to download an ICS file, which is OK, I guess. Except I couldn't find a way to import this file into the calendar in the web version of the Outlook client (I'm on Linux, remember? No fat client here.). Drag and drop opened a new email with the file attached.
After some searching, I remembered that I had a company iPhone with an Outlook client on it. I should be able to import the calendar entry there. Opened Outlook on the iPhone, looked for the email with the link - it wasn't there! Refresh, refresh, refresh. Nope. "Enjoy your empty inbox," it told me. While the email was laughing at me from the inbox in Thunderbird.
Maybe I could have saved the ICS file to OneDrive and opened it on my iPhone, but instead I noticed (after looking for the Nth time) that the "add to calendar" page had another option for M365. Clicking this one took me to Outlook Web and allowed me to finally add the calendar entry.
Apparently, this is what "simple" looks like nowadays.
(Yes, I could have noticed the M365 option sooner, but still - what a workflow for such a simple action!)
Cyberangriffe auf städtische Seniorenheime in Mönchengladbach, Aerticket & mehr | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Cyberangriff-auf-staedtische-Seniorenheime-in-Moenchengladbach-Aerticket-und-mehr-10318890.html #Digitalisierung #digitalization #DigitalHealth #ElectronicCash #MobilePayment #eGovernment #Datenschutz #privacy
In their DiTraRe Tandem Talk at EScienceTage 2025 in Heidelberg last week our colleagues Felix Back and Linda NIerling were presenting a little history of digitalization in science.
Linda Nierling, Felix Bach: The Impact of Digitalisation on Science: Workflows, Outputs, and Trust
presentation link: https://zenodo.org/records/15043829
#digitalization #esciencetage2025 #rdm #history #digitalhistory @fiz_karlsruhe @ITAS_KIT @AnnaJacyszyn
Ist unser Gedächtnis in Gefahr? - DocCheck
Internet, Smartphones und Navi-Geräte machen geistig träge, mindern räumliches Denken und die Kreativität. Forscher kommen nun zum Schluss: Auch die Erinnerungen an Ereignisse und verstorbene Angehörige sind gefährdet.
https://www.doccheck.com/de/detail/articles/50605-ist-unser-gedaechtnis-in-gefahr #Digitalisierung #digitalization #ArtificialIntelligence
Team FIZ Karlsruhe at E-Science Tage 2025 in Heidelberg last week.
#escitage2025 #heidelberg #digitalization #ditrare #rdm @fiz_karlsruhe @fizise @AnnaJacyszyn #conference
#Uri lockt Hackerinnen und #Hacker an - inside-it.ch https://www.inside-it.ch/uri-lockt-hackerinnen-und-hacker-an-20250224 #Digitalisierung #digitalization #eGovernment #Hackathon #DataHackdaysUri
Our colleage and DiTraRe coordinator @AnnaJacyszyn presenting her lightning talk "AI4DiTraRe: Studying Applied AI Within the Process of Digitalisation of Research" on the last day of E-Science Tage 2025 in Heidelberg
#escitage2025 #ditrare #rdm #AI #digitalization @fiz_karlsruhe @fizise @KIT_Karlsruhe @ITAS_KIT #heidelberg
Erinnert mich an Coops Passabene, was in 2005 eingeführt wurde ...
heise+ | Was mobile Selbstscan-Systeme im Laden leisten: Edeka, Ikea, Kaufland und Rewe | heise online https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Was-mobile-Selbstscan-Systeme-im-Laden-leisten-Edeke-Ikea-Kaufland-und-Rewe-10309773.html #heiseplus #Digitalisierung #digitalization
heise+ | Wie Behörden und ihre Auftragnehmer #OpenSourceSoftware ausbeuten | c't Magazin https://www.heise.de/news/Wie-Behoerden-und-ihre-Auftragnehmer-Open-Source-Software-ausbeuten-10274161.html #heiseplus #eGovernment #Digitalisierung #digitalization #OpenSource