« Gandalf and Bilbo », 1988
by Iain McCaig (american, born 1957)
« Gandalf and Bilbo », 1988
by Iain McCaig (american, born 1957)
Another round of reading #Tolkien, this time reading it to our youngest child. Fun times! It turned out we don't have a Dutch copy of the #Hobbit ourselves, so, borrowed from our #PublicLibrary.
(comment on De hobbit)
@deerbard I recently discovered that #TolkienReadingDay is celebrated on 25.03. A few days ago, I bought #AnAtlasOfTolkien, hoping it would inspire my child to finish the rest of the #Hobbit.
Today, my son drew a picture of the Battle of the Pelennor — and asked me to read the book to him.
With that, I recommend An Atlas of Tolkien… and The Hobbit, of course!
The Atlas has green cover with a beautiful dragon on it. It feels like a dragon skin. And has colorful pictures.
Das Wort des Tages lautet #Hobbit
Welcome to the Vintage Fantasy Art Cave, where will be brought to you some of the most admirables works of greatest or unknown oldschool fantasy illustrators.
Hope you will like the selection.
« Gandalf with Bilbo and Thorin (Quest of Erebor) », 1978
by Randy Berrett
Cover art for the cassette of The Lord of the Rings BBC radio drama series (circa 1980).
Today is Sunday, the 2nd day of Astron by Shire-reckoning.
Joyeux Tolkien Reading Day !
#TolkienReadingDay #JRRTolkien #SDA #Hobbit #TerreDuMilieu #fantasy
The Shire
Ulla Thynell
#nerdlings #lordoftherings #lotr #ttrpg #art #litsky #booksky #hobbit
Delighted to see the imminent publication announced of the Scottish Gaelic translation of The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. A must buy for me. https://www.evertype.com/books/hobbit-gd.html #Gaelic #gaidhlig #ScottishGaelic #Tolkien #Hobbit #books #bookstodon #translation
Happy first day of spring! I've been hibernating a bit this winter in terms of social media, but I plan on picking up the posting pace in the spring.
Otro dibujinchi que hice gracias a #inktober ,la propuesta era "trek", así que nada, los mozucos de excursión al Monte del Destino. Sam-matao Pacoooo!
Me hace ilusión empezar a tener fans de mis reseñas/sinopsis/nosecomollamarlo ,así que como ayer empecé con La Comunidad del Anillo, hoy vamos con Las Dos Torres.
Moi qui attend mon transport adapté pour mon rendez-vous avec ma prothèse ... hahaha ... pas chaud pour les orteilles.
#amputation #resterfort #moralDacier #hobbit
Ce livre existe je l’ai rencontré et il est disponible ici : https://urls.fr/tl3r2k
Plus de 100 illustrations regroupant tout mon travail pour nos parties de #jdr à l’aquarelle entre 2020 et 2024
#dnd5e #rpg #jrrtolkien #seigneurdesanneaux
#leseigneurdesanneaux #middleearth #lordoftherings #lotr #hobbit #tolkien #watercolor #illustration #drawing #fantasy #artist #artwork #artoftheday #illustration #illustrations
#tolkienart #medievalfantasy
i can say all 13 dwarf names from memory #hobbit