Allekirjoita eurooppalainen kansalaisaloite!
Keräysaikaa ei ole kuin kuukausi tai kaksi ja vielä puuttuu allekirjoituksia. Viedään tää läpi!
Allekirjoita eurooppalainen kansalaisaloite!
Keräysaikaa ei ole kuin kuukausi tai kaksi ja vielä puuttuu allekirjoituksia. Viedään tää läpi!
#mybodymychoice #myvoicemychoice
The “My Voice, My Choice” campaign offers the people of Europe the chance to make women's lives freer, safer, and better; wherever they live in our union, whatever conditions they may find themselves in.
No mimose. No cioccolatini. Sì alla libertà di disporre del proprio corpo. È così semplice, e altrettanto potente: firma e condividi per l’accesso libero, sicuro e gratuito all’aborto in tutta Europa con la campagna #MyVoiceMyChoice.
Il y a un an dans la Constitution française était inscrit la Liberté des Femmes de recourir à l'Interruption Volontaire des Grossesses !
Rendons sûr et accessible l'avortement dans toute l'Europe : SIGNEZ et PARTAGEZ cette PETITION !
#mybodymychoice #myvoicemychoice
Kampaņa “My Voice, My Choice” piedāvā Eiropas iedzīvotājiem iespēju padarīt sieviešu dzīvi vienkāršāku, drošāku un labāku, neatkarīgi no viņu dzīvesvietas un apstākļiem.
Tas, ka daudzviet Eiropā aborts nav pieejams, ne tikai pakļauj sievietes fiziska kaitējuma riskam, bet arī rada nevajadzīgu ekonomisko un garīgo spriedzi sievietēm un viņu ģimenes locekļiem, bieži vien marginalizētās kopienās, kuras to var atļauties vismazāk.
#mybodymychoice #myvoicemychoice
La campaña «Mi voz, mi decisión» ofrece a los ciudadanos europeos la oportunidad de hacer que la vida de las mujeres sea más libre, segura y mejor; dondequiera que vivan en nuestra unión, cualesquiera que sean las condiciones en las que se encuentren.
Did you know that its illegal for a woman to procure an abortion in England?
#myvoicemychoice #prochoice #feminism
Teken ook voor toegankelijk en veilige #abortus in #Europa. #myvoicemychoice
sign for accessible en safe abortion in the #EU #myvoicemychoice
noch 95.000 Stimmen fehlen der Petition. Gern teilen.
Petition for Safe and accessible abortion in Europe.
Still 95.000 Signatures needed. Please share.
We are collecting signatures all across the EU in support of our European Citizens' Initiative. Sign today, shape tomorrow!
#safeabortion #myvoicemychoice
JOIN US and help us reach 1.2 million signatures for safe and accessible abortion in the EU!
Show us some love
Sign and share our initiative with everyone you know!
We need you more than ever!
Link in bio.
Mastodon people!
Would you be kind enough to connect us in the comments with accounts you follow that are relevant to the topic of abortion and reproductive rights in the EU? #myvoicemychoice #women #womensrights #abortion #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare
In October 2020, Poland's Constitutional Tribunal ruled that abortions due to fetal abnormalities were unconstitutional, imposing a near-total ban. Starting in January 2021, legal abortions were limited to cases of rape, incest, or threats to the mother's life or health.
Together, we can make Europe a better place for women—where they are safe, equal, and respected. We must lead by example. We can't do everything, but we must do what we can.
Please help us find followers on Mastodon so that the »My Voice, My Choice« initiative for safe and accessible abortion reaches far and wide. To sign check the link in bio.
So chill!
Also, perfect day to get those signatures up!
Sign here:
Share everywhere!
#abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #myvoicemychoice