I guess this is my favorite Stellar's Jay photo from today.
#Photohgraphy #photos #corvids #birds
(bird eye contact)
This Shit is FUBAR (Fogged up beyond all recognition)
#photohgraphy #EnnepeRuhrKreis #Fog
this slippery surface we live upon,
this ephemeral shining at the back of the mind,
where the numinous is moving-us to expand
beyond the limits of the fatal ‘skin-we’re-in’
and beyond this tunnel-vision we call time–
it’s the plight of the unbelonging to be longing
to belong;
there, where you kiss the beloved with the same kiss the beloved kisses thee,
and listen to the sound that only the heart can hear,
and there, experience sweet eternity…
$Poetry #Photohgraphy