"Time is a flat circle, life imitates art, etc.
(Batman S02E18, 'Dizzoner the Penguin', aired Nov 3, 1966)"
"Time is a flat circle, life imitates art, etc.
(Batman S02E18, 'Dizzoner the Penguin', aired Nov 3, 1966)"
rereading Children of Dune.
prescience indeed.
«Je soutiens que l’informatique ne libérera pas les hommes d’eux-mêmes» (Françoise Giroud, On ne peut pas être heureux tout le temps. Récit, 2000). • #lecturedujour #prescience
«De toutes les menaces précises ou diffuses qui planent sur l’avenir et que l’on peut aujourd’hui identifier, c’est celle que je redoute le plus : la déraison» (Françoise Giroud, On ne peut pas être heureux tout le temps. Récit, 2000). • #lecturedujour #prescience
#Dilatoire : Qui retarde, prolonge par des délais ; enclin à perdre du #temps et à être à la traîne
#Outrancier : Qui pousse à l'excès, Exagéré.
#Dysphorie : Perturbation de l'humeur caractérisée par un sentiment de mal-être, de tristesse ou d'anxiété.
#Prescience : Faculté de prévoir des événements à venir. Prévision.
#Ontologie : partie de la métaphysique qui s'applique à l'être en général.
Who predicted our 21st century world the best, George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, or C.S. Lewis?
#foodforthought #prescience #dystopia #informationage #informationoverload #orwell #huxley #cslewis
via Laurel L Russwurm (@laurelrusswurm)
> Attached: John Lennon imagines Doug Ford
#ONpoli #OntarioHistory #JohnAndYoko #OntarioScienceCentre #Prescience [source: Richard Bradley]
edit: fix hashtag for #John&Yoko
John Lennon imagines Doug Ford
#ONpoli #OntarioHistory #John&Yoko #OntarioScienceCentre #Prescience
[source: Richard Bradley]
Tonight's DVD is "The Mosquito Coast" starring Harrison Ford, Helen Mirren and River Phoenix.
"I’m not surprised this superbly performed, gorgeously shot film didn’t do well at the time of its release because its target is America’s fragility as a nation." #America #Capitalism #Utopia #Dystopia #Tech #Arrogance #Prescience
Just started reading Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower & so far I'm in awe of & chilled by her prescience.
And, no, I don't know how I'm just reading it now, but better late than never. She was such a remarkable writer.
#books @bookstodon #ScienceFiction #OctaviaButler #awe #prescience #reading
It takes prescience to have presence in a society that lacks self awareness.
to know.
Divide and
when driven.
A cleave
to evil
propositions stolen,
Bent rays on
display when
of certainty
cast shadows
of hidden duality.
tedious deviance
in #prescience
Reality a
casualty in doldrums
of your own
#TIL that, while I was just a few years old, my childhood hero @carlsagandotcom@twitter.com was already working on the challenge to which I would devote my adult career. #climatechange #prescience #science #RIP #adastra
The more you acquire abilities of response, you will #empower your experience.
The more you #transcend the need to react, the more you will empower your abilities of response.
The more you #multidimensionally #perceive your presence, the more your #prescience grows. You become more present. You actually become present as you transcend your presence.
You are not yourself. You are that which may or may not be currently projecting a self to experience with.
"The Machine Stops" is only one of the classic SciFi gems covered by the BBC in this series. Low budget production, but top notch artistry and writers now legendary. Highly recommended.
#scifi #film #television #BBC #prescience #retrofuturism
Out of the Unknown Series 2 (1966) : BBC-TV : Internet Archive