Below are available #quilts, please feel free to take advantage of this really fine deal The sizes & prices of them are in the photo descriptions ----
Below are available #quilts, please feel free to take advantage of this really fine deal The sizes & prices of them are in the photo descriptions ----
I have a really awesome deal going right now - the next person who orders a quilt from me gets this handmade quilted tote bag made by my very talented mom; she will include this fine piece when she sends the quilt you ordered from her home in New Jersey.
I'd be so thrilled if someone would buy a painting or as to have a painting commissioned or would buy one of my mom's quilts! It'd seriously make my week.
#Quilts with #butterflies, 1st one measures 40 x 40 in (102 x 102 cm), 2nd one's 34 x 45 in (86 x 114 cm) , 3rd's 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm); msg me if you're interested in any of these lovely #handmade textile creations. Great gift for someone you love
52 x 58.5 in (132 x 149 cm) #quilt made by my mom, available; msg me f you're interested in this one, makes a really fine gift to give someone, everyone loves getting a nice quilt -----
Msg me if interested! It's very easy for my mom to box up & send out to you
63 x 63 in (160 x 160 cm) #quilt made by my mom, available & affordable, this one will go with just about any interior design style you already have going on.
available #quilts made by my mom, top left- 64.5 x 72.5 in (164 x 184 cm)
top right - 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm)
bottom left- 40 x 40 in (102 x 102 cm)
bottom right- 42 x 57.5 in (107 x 146 cm)
Message me if you see one you like, all're affordable & easy to send out to you ---
Below're 3 available #paintings made by my local #artist pals & the 4th is a 28 x 33 in (71 x 84 cm) #quilt that was made by my mom, a really nice folksy #handmade textile piece with modern arrangement elements that looks really nice when hung up on the wall. Reach out 2 me if anyone would like to chat about any of these
#Butterfly design #quilt made by my mom, newly finished, available; msg me if interested, measures 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm) Very easy for her to box up and send to you
Perfect for springtime! Makes a really fine gift to give someone too
New #butterfly design #quilt made by my mom, measures 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm); available; reach out to me if interested
4 #paintings w/a lot of warm red tones in them, all kinds of great stuff to choose from All're different sizes & prices
Reach out to me if you dig any of these'nd would like me to give you some info, very easy to order
Harlequin #quilt, made by my mom, measures 64.5 x 72.5 (164 x 184 cm) , available & affordable; I have a lot of other ones made by her in all different styles & sizes, reach out to me if interested ---
Anyone out there whose interior scheme could benefit from some pink tones, here're 4 below to choose from; made by Kib, Em, myself & my mom, she did the butterfly #quilt, it is 40 x 40 in (102 x 102 cm); msg me if u see anything you like & want some info on
A little #abstract project underway, on a #quilting theme (inspired by my feed on #Mastodon )
25 years ago I let my son select fabrics that I said I’d make a quilt with. Together they were absolute chaos. Painful to look at. Never got past piecing the top. I disassembled it making about 9 baby quilts to use for practice on the used mid-arm quilt machine I got. Here are four of them. #quilters #quilts #quilting #fiberarts
If anyone needs some #orange for their interior, here're 4 pieces made by my artist friends with lots of citrus flavor in them, the #paintings were made by my local #artist friends, the #quilt by my mom; msg me if u see anything you like below
Recently got some awesome new photos from my mom of this newly finished 42 x 55 in (107 x 140 cm) #butterfly #quilt she just put the finishing touches on, check this one out right here, it is available & affordable Reach out to me if you dig it & would like some info about it
Very easy for her to box up & send out to u