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Forget the gold, give us a pot of books at the end of that rainbow
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To all the Americans wearing 'Kiss Me I'm Irish' shirts today, these recs are for you!
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If you find reading The Dubliners by James Joyce has you escaping into naps rather than into the story, try these books set in Ireland!
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Get your fantasy fix this St. Paddy's Day with these Irish Folklore based reads
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Happy St. Paddy's Day from BonDrac Studios! Lucky for you, we've put together some Irish inspired reading recs!
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Who else is having a wintry Valentine's Day today? It's the perfect weather to warm up with some hockey romances
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I just finished Ar'Kendrithyst, the story i've been reading for the past 3 months. Normally, i'd have read quite a bit more than one story in that time, but Ar'Kendrithyst is 4.5 million words. Its been an amazing journey and absolute joy, and i really loved reading it.
Being done now is quite a complex feeling - i'm sad its over, i'm happy with how it ended, i'm mourning the loss of these characters i've followed for what would normally be ~20 books, i'm excited at the prospect of reading it again in the future, i feel lost at what to do with my relaxation time now and i feel thankful for being able to enjoy the world Arcs, the author, has created.
I would strongly recommend Ar'Kendrithyst to anyone who likes (progression-)fantasy, litRPG, isekai and especially if you usually don't really like these genres due to the kinds of main characters they usually have: the main character in Ar'Kendrithyst, Erick, is a single dad, social worker, and primarily pacifist. He's stranded on another planet with his adult daughter which is such a interesting dynamic. Its also a incredibly thought out world, and all the questions i had about "why does the world work like this" got answered at some point.
If you're curious, the story is entirely free to read here (its finished but not published in any form):
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