Carried on the work with #simd I've been doing recently
I've ported over the vocoder effect I built to web synth to use #wasm SIMD, now that it's supported in Safari
Changed the underlying chains of biquad filters used by the #dsp to use struct-of-arrays rather than array-of-structs, and apply 4 at a time
Good for a very dramatic perf improvement, at least 5x but I didn't do fine-grained measurement
Built with #rust #rustland #webassembly #webaudio
When using #VSCode to write #Rust following the examples in the #RustLand book I type this:
let mut guess = String::new();
but the editor displays this:
let mut guess: String = String::new();
With the extra ": String" with a grey background colour, it can't be edited, the cursor skips it.
Obviously a hint/lint. But it just wasn't doing it and I'm not sure what I changed so that it started.
Ich überlege gerade, wie ich mit #cli #args umgehen möchte
Subcommand kann als "arg1" oder "filename" übergeben sein wie es bei Busybox der Fall ist...
./<BIN><CMD> <OPTS> # Bsp: /bin/busybox reboot -f
./<CMD_SYMLINK> <OPTS> # Bsp: /bin/reboot -f
Interne Mods / Libs kann ich das berücksichtigen, bei externen crates halt nicht... Und ENV ARGS manipulieren ist vermutlich nicht vorgesehen