Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Fictional Worlds I'd Rather Not Visit
#WritingCommunity #WriterCommunity #BloggingCommunity #BloggerCommunity #WednesdayWeeklyBloggingChallenge #Challenge #Wednesday #blog #Buffy #Sunnydale #TheUpsideDown

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Fictional Worlds I'd Rather Not Visit
#WritingCommunity #WriterCommunity #BloggingCommunity #BloggerCommunity #WednesdayWeeklyBloggingChallenge #Challenge #Wednesday #blog #Buffy #Sunnydale #TheUpsideDown
Well, I started this morning by finding out my doppelgänger is in car sales. I’m some man for many men. #DoppelGanger #ParallelUniverse #SlidingDoors #TheUpsideDown #Ireland
Go behind the scenes of Stranger Things Season 5 in the new video. Watch it here
@AJEnglish “a horrific reminder of Israel’s brutality.” Fixed it for you, Joe. #theupsidedown
TV 4
Stranger Things second outing is wilder and wackier than the first - In-Depth Review
Rating: .5
Creators (Platform): The Duffer Brothers (Netflix)
Publisher (Release): Netflix (2017)
For the full review and more posts like it, follow me here and visit my site:
‘Stranger Things’ Day 2023: Our Complete Preview Guide
#StrangerThingsDay #TheUpsideDown #NetflixSA #Rubiks #UpsideDownCube #Eleven #Vecna #StrangerThingsTheFlightOfIcarus #Hawkins #BillByers #Indiana #series #streaming #online
#QuirkyOpinions: We've somehow gotten stuck in The Upside Down, and there's no telling when or how we'll escape.
Creating a piece of art, then barring a class of people from enjoying/criticizing it, is not #FreeSpeach. It's the exact opposite.
#1984 #Hypocrisy #TheUpsideDown #SaveDemocracy #SaveHumanity #NotSupreme #SupremeConservativesOfTheUS
In your opinion who’s the best Nike Joga Bonito Player?
#upsidedown #museum #amsterdam #amsterdamcity #netherlandsfootball #netherlands #thenetherlands #holland #unique #spot #insolite #hiddengems #secretplace #theupsidedown #museumlover #spotyoulove
Blizzard warning for L.A.... sure why not..
Meanwhile, in the metaverse-over-Matrix world of, and are busy today hooking up animated avatars. However, not everything is quite going according to plan... #nightmarefuel #glitch #theupsidedown
Stranger Things teaser: Hawkins gets a new mall! #theupsidedown #television #Video #1980s #malls