Don’t toss batteries when they are almost dead. Put them in kids toys at someone else’s house.
@Chrishallbeck Used to love this with my kids toys. They would start sounding positively demonic.
@Chrishallbeck brilliant and terrifying
@Chrishallbeck That's very halloweeny. It's the right time of the year for this kind of prank
Thank you for the suggestion!
I'll be on my way in the morning to revive my grandkids' toys!
@Chrishallbeck I love it, but in my circustance, I'm the one with a baby
No joke this was actually the very first funny video I ever watched online
@Chrishallbeck causes them to randomly go off, too!
One time I walked into a dark room at 1am and one of the toys said “peak a boo! I see you!”
Sent shivers down my spine
The horror of analog.
"It's fun to play! Count to -- ohhh... myyy baaaaack..."