Is there a version of FourSquare / Swarm for the Fediverse?
I want to check in to a specific location and share that online. Not looking for badges and mayors etc.
Just a geotagged post saying "I am here".
With the help of @darius's brilliant
And thanks to @ldodds's exquisite
I am now able to find a nearby #POI from #OpenStreetMap and share it as a #GeoTagged post to the Fediverse!
Early days, but I think building a #FourSquare style "Check In To This Location" service might actually be possible!
(Mastodon doesn't expose the lat/long - but they are there.)
And here it is working with an attached image!
All I need now is an ActivityPub server which is simple enough for me to run and hack. And works with my host.
(I'm not looking for software suggestions yet.)
My #ActivityPub post has location metadata in it!
The embedded geotag isn't shown in either of them (Mastodon doesn't support it, PixelFed doesn't show it for non-native posts).
Next step, find a SIMPLE ActivityPub server (preferably in PHP) which I can use to build this service.
@benjojo OMG! That's brilliant - thank you!