I love how when #DonaldTrump got elected, these #liberals have scoffed & mocked people who either voted for Third-party or is a #nonvoters at how #Trump said he'll ethnically cleanse #Palestine with an "I Told You So! ".
But these blood thirsty callous genocidal lusting Liberals are ones to talk about when they fully supported #Democrats like #JoeBiden & #KamalaHarris backing #Israel with all the bombs, money & pledges to help them commit the worse #Genocide of our time!
To the American #Liberals: #Palestinians and most people in the #MiddleEast along with Black & Brown people or #Immigrants are just pawns to use against their enemies, like celebrating the suffrage in #Palestine & #Gaza as well as the #deportation of a Black & Brown person who voted for #Trump or something (even when there's no evidence of them doing it).
All they love to see is #Nonwhite People suffer & die as long to spin that into an "I Told You So" moment while ignoring what #Democrats did.
They act like #Democrats had no power nor control of the #Genocide going on in #Gaza by #Israel, when history shown us action could've been down!
The "Yes it's sad that #Dems didn't do more, but they aren't as bad a #Trump, so it's not their fault what happened" is a lying excuse.
#Liberals & #Democrats are what happened in #Palestine. They defended the #EthnicCleansing of #Palestinians with #JoeBiden who enthusatically supported the #IsraeliTerrorism for #zionism!
During the #Genocide under the #DemocraticParty with #Biden & #Harris, more than +200,000 to now +300,000 #palestinians have been killed due to #Israel & #BenjaminNetanyahu who were backed by the #USA with #JoeBiden & #KamalaHarris participating in the worst #genocide of over 30 years where most of the causalities are #Children, #Woman, #Elderly, #Men, etc. in the residential buildings blow to hell!
Everything in #Gaza has been destroyed by the #Democrats funding the #Genocide in #Palestine. Yet all the ways #liberals are talking about this is: "I told you so, I told you #Trump would be worse. " when #DonaldTrump hasn't done anything yet!
Nobody who didn't #vote or voted Third-party were under the illusion that Trump & #Republicans would be better, they hoped he would be incompetent and TRUMP WAS NOT IN POWER, #BIDEN WAS!!!
These hypotheticals of #DonaldTrump would've been the same or worse on #Palestine is fucking worthless!
Look at what happened under #JoeBiden and what he done to #Gaza and what they did was #Genocide!
If you #liberals are not willing to anything about the #EthnicCleansing in the #MiddleEast, then I question you're humanity on this or anything else for that matter for why you c***ts are in this anyway!
It's obvious! You #Liberals don't care about people globally, you only care about yourselves self-interests of being in luxury that #Arabs, #Muslims, #BlackPeople, #BrownPeople, etc. lives can go and suffer for your alls benefit to stay comfy because their not white.
You all don't care about people, unless their #WhitePeople like you!
The fact that to not #VoteBlue for #democrats who're committing a #Genocide is wrong is generally insane in any circumstance.
You would never apply that logic to any country in the world, cause the #USA is the greater evil in #Politics & #Geopolitics than the boogeyman: #China!
You will always oppose anyone & anything who's oppose to the #US wholeheartedly.
But this entire thing is emblematic the way how #liberals operate in all honestly.
They only care about words & platitudes than #directaction that #Democrats refuse to do. Look at they're views of #JoeBiden & #KamalaHarris' "handing" on the #Genocide in #Gaza who supported & aided it all while having a command responsibility over #Israel when they want or supply 80% of #weapons to use killing #babies in #Palestine willingly & enthusiastically while defending them in the #UN instead of...
... watched on in horror, as the rest of the world did, wishing they could do something about it but ultimately couldn't.
The evidence and impression that #liberals get their conclusion is they ignore it all but focus on meaningless words & platitudes who never register #action to stop a #genocide!
Look at them all emphasizing the words of #DonaldTrump and compare that to the words of #JoeBiden being emphasized by any #Liberal #VoteBlue lunatic.
They heard the words of #Trump and go: "This is worse than #Biden!" while #DonaldTrump hasn't done nothing yet!
How is it worse than killing 100's to 1,000's of #palestinians and destroying every building in #Gaza? It's just words that #liberals only registered.
All #Democrats done was say the #Genocide in #Palestine is terrible yet the next day they give a $100 billion for bombs to kill #Kids & spy planes to fly over Palestine to call out targets to blow up for #Israel.
#Liberals only register the pretend empathetic speech and don't direct to actual actions. Same with #Trump, who says bad things, & liberals go: "See, It's happening! I bet you wished to have voted for #KamalaHarris now, huh?"
Even if #DonaldTrump does it, which he won't as #Egypt, #Jordan & #SaudiArabia won't allow it & make sure, do you c***ts know how you got #America to this point?
The fucking #Democrats destroyed #Gaza & #Palestine! They killed #Palestinians and people in #Lebanon for #Israel! Why can #DonaldTrump talk about Gaza being leveled & destroyed for Palestinians to leave?
BECAUSE YOU DESTROYED IT ALL & KILLED 200,000 PEOPLE!! You massacred #kids & #toddlers there and blew them up!! How do you all not get that?!
The #Dems, #Liberals #BlueMAGA, #VoteBlueNoMatterWho, #VoteBlue Crowd & their voters caused it all and brought us here today!
#Liberals & #Conservatives, along with #Democrats & #Republicans with #JoeBiden / #KamalaHarris & #DonaldTrump / #JDVance are a fucking team!
They all aren't different sides, they agreed on the fucking #Genocide, #Deportation, #Austerity, #War, #Famine, #Racism, #Domination, etc. You all caused the Genocide and death in #Palestine!!! YOU!
You destroyed #Gaza so that #Trump can talk about rebuilding it and #MakeGazaGreatAgain to then turn it into another #Dubai! You all gave the clearance.
#DonaldTrump is just giving lead with this rhetoric, which in all honesty is all rhetoric! #Words aren't #Action, they are merely words.
No fucking wonder #Liberals kept floating that #BarackObama is great & the most #Progressive President in the world when he ran on #MedicareForAll / #SinglePayer #Healthcare but gave a #Republican Healthcare Plan from the same foundation of #Project2025, the #HeritageFoundation, while getting us involved in more conflicts of #war!
All #Obama did was regurgitate speeches that made people feel comfy & happy while not looking at the real shit he's done by getting us into more wars in the #MiddleEast and implement a #rightwing #healthcare plane by fucking #RonaldReagan think tanks!
Most of Trump's plans are inactionable. If he did is plan of #Palestine, most of you #Liberals & everyone in #America will find out what a real backlash is from the rest of the world!
#DonaldTrump is a dumbass #realestate man who says stupid shit, but he would have to compromise in order to not do anything horrible for #America Power & #Israel as well.
Like a plan to Ethnically Cleanse #Gaza would result into a Regional War that even America's Fuck buddies, #SaudiArabia, would turn against the #US militarily!
The insanity of #Americans level of analyse they have when they don't realize how inactionable shit like this is. That would make the #Afghanistan War look like nothing compared to this to happen in the #MiddleEast.
But it doesn't mean #Trump wouldn't try, he likely might and it will not go his way!
#Liberals & #Democrats destroyed all of #Gaza & #Palestine to smithereens and committed a bloodshed #genocide to #Palestinians! Who the fuck are you all now just to go: "I Told You #Trump Was Going to be Worse " when the orange fuck is building off the shit you all committed & supported it to the death while you mocked people arguing against the #EthnicCleansing!
Also let's be clear here: There wouldn't be fucking #Ceasefire here if it was just #Biden here.
The only reason that made the #Ceasefire happen was #Trump and his teams involvement. Now think for a second, #Liberals... What does that say about how #genocidal you and your cults are, that they claim to be working on a deal for a year while massacring 100,000 more people to death: #Biden, #Harris & #Democrats killed babies intentionally for a year or more while pretending they care about it.
Yet #DonaldTrump got a #Ceasefire in a fucking week, which #JoeBiden & #KamalaHarris could've done but refused to do it!
That's who #liberals entirely support & who they truly are.
How dare you all use the victims of #Genocide in the #MiddleEast as +1 up tool of "Look at what you guys did for getting #Trump into office ". When you all sit there meekly do nothing as #Trump destroys the #USA entirely & deliciously about this murderous shitty country you all defend to live in.
#Liberals are just sitting at home instead of going out in the streets doing nothing while the fucking #Tankies they smear as #fascists are doing everything and are winning.
They do nothing! Liberals & #BlueMAGA crowd of the #VoteBlue Groups reap what you sow while they sit at home and meekly taunt people on how they got #Trump in officefor #ElonMusk to raid/dismantle the government, when they got him elected for defending #GenocideJoe & Holocaust #Harris.
You get what you fucking Deserve!
But hey, #Liberals not helping is on pare of the fact they they don't care about anybody who's not white, huh?
#BlueMAGA only cares for #AllLivesMatter crap right, which essentially means White Lives only Matter than anything in this world?
Does #BlackLivesMatter to them? No!
#ArabsLivesMatter? No!
#MuslimsLivesMatter? No! Not #LGBTQ or #Gay & #Trans People. Nobodies according to Liberals.
They don't care about any lives but White Lives!
@Faithslayer202 Dude, you should just go vote for Trump without all this nonsense.