ICE deporting legal Permanent Residents, Refugees, and immigrants
ICE deporting legal Permanent Residents, Refugees, and immigrants
Thought experiment: What could a person do to protect themselves from deportation or harm from authoritarian regimes?
Totally hypothetical.
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“You’re here because of your tattoos.”
@motherjonesmag reports: "The Trump administration sent Venezuelans to El Salvador’s most infamous prison. Their families are looking for answers."
Cenk didn't believe the detention camps would happen, but Francesca nailed it | @destiny
#FOX ANTI-AMERICAN: Liberal judges have ‘no positive thing to contribute’: Victor Davis Hanson
ANTI-AMERICAN: Liberal judges have 'no positive thing to contribute': Victor Davis Hanson Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson breaks down the attitude of liberal judges halting President Donald Trump's policies on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.' #trump #court #deportation #foxnews Subscribe to Fox News! Watch more Fox News Video: Watch Fox News Channel Live: FOX…
A true Christian believer's response to Trump's illegal deportations and Kristi Noem's prison stunt:
This sinner saved by grace (myself) fully agrees with the speaker in this video.
Trump and his cohorts do not represent the faith that I live daily.
#Christian #Deportation #RuleOfLaw #Bible #MAGA
Analysis: Betar is a far-right pro-Israel group with a history of support for terror and genocide.
Betar is working closely with Trump's administration, "preparing dossiers on thousands of pro-Palestine figures it wants deported."
#betar #trump #fascism #genocide #uspol #studentprotests #deportation #racism #islamophobia .
ライブ| DHS事務局長のKristi Noemがメキシコ大統領Claudia Sheinbaumに会います|トランプ国外追放| N18g
メキシコシティ - 米国国土安全保障長官のクリスティ・ノエムは金曜日にメキシコを訪問し、移民、犯罪、国外追放について議論するために3つのラテンアメリカ諸国へのツアーを締めくくります。ノエムのこの地域への最初の訪問は、地域が国外追放の努力を拡大し、北の移動に警告しようとするため、トランプ政権にとって重要性を高めているためです。ノエムがエルサルバドルとコロンビアを訪れたとき、マルコ・ルビオ国務長官はガイアナを訪問して、多くのカリブ海の指導者と会った。ノエムは、メキシコのクローディア・シェインバウム大統領と他のメキシコの高官と会う予定でした。シンバウムの政府は、トランプ政権によって提出された関税を相殺するために取り組んできました。これは、経済予測者がメキシコ経済を不況に陥れる可能性があると言います。 #Kristinoem #Trump #Deportation #Mexico…
ライブ| DHS事務局長のKristi Noemがメキシコ大統領Claudia Sheinbaumに会います|トランプ国外追放| N18g
メキシコシティ - 米国国土安全保障長官のクリスティ・ノエムは金曜日にメキシコを訪問し、移民、犯罪、国外追放について議論するために3つのラテンアメリカ諸国へのツアーを締めくくります。ノエムのこの地域への最初の訪問は、地域が国外追放の努力を拡大し、北の移動に警告しようとするため、トランプ政権にとって重要性を高めているためです。ノエムがエルサルバドルとコロンビアを訪れたとき、マルコ・ルビオ国務長官はガイアナを訪問して、多くのカリブ海の指導者と会った。ノエムは、メキシコのクローディア・シェインバウム大統領と他のメキシコの高官と会う予定でした。シンバウムの政府は、トランプ政権によって提出された関税を相殺するために取り組んできました。これは、経済予測者がメキシコ経済を不況に陥れる可能性があると言います。 #Kristinoem #Trump #Deportation #Mexico…
"Pro-Israel groups credited for guiding Trump in arrests of international college students"
#International #Students #Arrests #Detention #Deportation #US #Colleges #Universities #Campus #Blacklists #Surveillance #Betar #CanaryMission #DHS #AccuracyInMedia
Private groups work to identify and report #StudentProtesters for possible #deportation
“Now they’re using tools of the state to actually go after people,” said a Columbia graduate student from South Asia who has been active in protests and spoke on condition of anonymity because of concerns about losing her visa. “We suddenly feel like we’re being forced to think about our survival.”
By ADAM GELLER, March 29, 2025
NEW YORK (AP) — "When a protester was caught on video in January at a New York rally against Israel, only her eyes were visible between a mask and headscarf. But days later, photos of her entire face, along with her name and employer, were circulated online.
"'Months of them hiding their faces went down the drain!' a fledgling technology company boasted in a social media post, claiming its #FacialRecognition tool had identified the woman despite the coverings.
"She was anything but a lone target. The same software was also used to review images taken during months of #ProPalestinian marches at U.S. colleges. A #RightWingJewish group said some people identified with the tool were on a list of names it submitted to President Donald #Trump’s administration, urging that they be deported in accordance with his call for the expulsion of foreign students who participated in 'pro-jihadist' protests.
"Other #ProIsrael groups have enlisted help from supporters on campuses, urging them to report foreign students who participated in protests against the war in #Gaza to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency."
Read more:
#ICERaids #ICEDetentions #ICEArrests #SilencingDissent #USPol #CharacteristicsOfFascism #MahmoudKhalil #RumeysaOzturk, #YunseoChung #BadarKhunSuri #MomodouTaal #ResistICE #Fascism #Project2025 #ProjectEsther #Authoritarianism #TurdReich
Details: KUOW - ICE detains leader of farmworker union in northwest Washington state
"The Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) appears to be manually revoking students’ immigration status – an authority typically left to university staff."
#Trump #ICE #immigrants #students #universities #deportation
"They’ve also reported inconsistent notification patterns: some students have been informed about the revocations by the government, some have not; some only found out after officials manually checked internal visa status databases – while universities and officials themselves have mostly seemed to not be informed by the government."
#Trump #ICE #immigrants #students #universities #deportation
"According to documentation seen by Zeteo and interviews with university officials, the administration is deploying the rarely-used risk-to-foreign-policy immigration provision they used to detain Mahmoud Khalil to now target students across the country.
University officials say that targeted students hail from the Middle East and Muslim-majority countries."
#Trump #ICE #immigrants #students #universities #deportation
"In a developing story, it appears the Trump administration is quietly targeting even more students for deportation and doing so in a way that is taking universities and the students themselves completely by surprise."
~ Prem Thakker
#Trump #ICE #immigrants #students #universities #deportation
International students in US get email telling them to self deport based on "social media reviews" conducted by U.S. State Department —
[NB: Times of India is a real media site with some right-of-center bias:]
h/t @ben @krusynth
#deportation #StateDepartment