#WarInGaza #Palestine #History
"#Lula is not completely in error if we consider more qualitative aspects of history & look to European fascism as a whole and not just the German National Socialists (who were peculiar in many ways)."
#Hitler, on the other hand, stands for the *systematic* destruction of a people on an industrial level including its culture. Even, #Putler, as I, too, have started calling him, falls a bit short by this measure.
#WarInGaza #Palestine #History
...IMHO, can only be compared to very few people in recent history. Among them are only #JosephStalin, #MaoZedong, and possibly #KingLeopoldII, as well as #Cambodia's #PolPot.
Many years ago, the late German Chancellor Dr. #HelmutKohl hat a PR disaster when he compared a #Sowjet minister to the infamous #Nazi Propaganda Minister, #JosrphGoebbels.
Thus, #Lula's #Hitler comparison is very much out of...
#WarInGaza #Palestine #History
...place, from a valid historical point of view.
More importantly, it indirectly "normalizes" #Hitler's crimes against humanity *by diminishing them, relatively speaking.*
Even if the #Netanyahu Government really did plan the mass flight of the #Palestinians and even their eventual resettlement in #Africa, it simply would still be (fortunately) way below the atrocities committed by the big slayers of the Modern Age.
And yes, I am aware that at least 50% of the ca. 6mn. #Jews could have been rescued, had the #Isolationists and the #US #Nazi party, #AmericaFirst, not highjacked the #StateDepartment and lied to #FDR about the real situation in #Europe.--Or if other nations had accepted more refugees in the beginning. Originally, the #Hitler Regime would have been content with a resettlement.
Valid points - yet I do think there are some parallels, even if the overall comparison fails.
Oh, I agree very much with that statement.
My gut feeling about #Gaza, legally speaking, is "very uneasy."
However, only (?) countries following the UK tradition of case law rely so heavily on "pararallels" aka "precedence."
Other jurisdictions operate quite differently (the laws, supported by court decisions.)
Even extremely similar cases might be decided quite differently (e.g. tax law.)
To make inferences would be treading on thin ice.
OK except that thread wasn't about law and legal definitions. It was rather whether comparisons could be made - on any level.
I was solely referring to this post of yours where you talk about numerous "scholars" and "genocide."
I had assumed you were talking about scholars of international (criminal) law, was I mistaken in that assumption?
@HistoPol @DrALJONES I did say that - but it was in a different and separate conversation. We have been chatting in two threads. :-)
Ah, sorry, my app is not very good at threading.
I night move the post later on then.
No worries, all good. :-)
@HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas didn't saw King Leopold II pic on this!
Oh, wait... White, European... He's not a genocide, but a freedom fighter
You are interpreting a racial bias that simple isn't there in the article:
Both, #Hitler and #Stalin would be "White"--an invention of early 20th century US right-wingers.
Hitler was #Austrian by birth , Stalin #Georgian.
Being from eastern #Georgia (Gori) you could argue, that he was Asian, however, as Georgia belonged to the #RussianEmpire at that time, this distinction would be anachronistic, and thus irrelevant, in my view.
@HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas But still we don't see King Leopold II being shown aside the other dictators you quoted...
Still there's a colonial mindframe, like "Oh wait... It was his kingdom's colony, he could treat their people like cattle, specially as they are africans"
@HistoPol @DrALJONES @Miro_Collas it's always Hitler, Stalin, Mao...
Never includes any capitalist dictators that imposed genocides.