Oy vay
Pandemic Roundup: January 2, 2024 | Violet Blue
@Motorod that you, @Fischblog ?
I don't know... I wouldn't be so sceptical in this case.
@Motorod "Why weren't we warned?"
"This is not the time point fingers >>COUGH!<<"
@StefanEJones @Motorod "No masking, no IAQ infrastructure improvement, and no sick leave -- if we have any shot of getting through this somehow, we need to keep everything open, fully active, and unchanged for ThE eCoNoMy. Again."
@Motorod 2024, you say?
@noodlejetski @Motorod To shreds you say?
@Motorod Und wenn schon.
Might turn into a deja vu…
@Motorod just reported someone who made a 13 piece vitrol, how H5N1 « won’t be that bad » and i need to see a psychiatrist after pointing out that people will die.
I don't like this cartoon. Who said these things?