Pixelfed remains the only fediverse project with a sole developer*, and I'm doing my best to balance everything
My schedule for the next few weeks involves:
- new https://pixelfed.org
- new mobile app features
- android beta
- new https://fedidb.org
- federated discovery
- federation bug fixes
- improving backend scalability
* - frontend/backend/mobile app development
@dansup I think, the mobile app should be the ultimate priority seeing as how everyone I recommend pixelfed to first asks "where is the mobile app"?
Dude, you’re a fucking superhero, OK? Start posting links to your Patreon, etc. a bit more so we can boost them, and then think about all the other things that need doing.
@dansup I am also a fediverse project sole developer, but since my project is aimed at small scale there are some things that I don't need to be concerned about. Most of what I'm doing now is maintenance, polishing and documentation.
@dansup great work!
@dansup that is impressive!
@dansup from what I can tell you’re doing a great job. You should be proud.
@dansup paging @jon @smitty@pixelfed.halibut.com
Dansup: I just installed pixelfed last night and am not seeing cross posts between my pixelfed and mastodon instances. Is this a known thing? Or do I have some bug research and reporting to do?
@dansup Looks good, gonna dig into it next days.
You're doing a great job
@dansup Hey! I just wanna ask if pixel uses matrix which in returns collect too many data than any? So, how its a foss alternative. We should own the data.
@dansup Thanks for Pixelfed! Loving it so far. I have a question. I signed up on the Pixelfed.social instance, and tried to follow my Pixelfed account from within Mastadon.
But, when I check it on my Following list, it shows as “pending,” as if it’s waiting for me to approve it on the Pixelfed side.
I duplicated this behaviour on another instance (federated.photos).
How do I get the follow to be confirmed, rather than pending?