Many of todays computers: If you open this device you will void your warranty - 80s computers: Just make sure you take out the right screws #RetroComputing
@jonn_blanchard Remember when computer manuals included a fold-out schematic?
@lopta @jonn_blanchard
My ISDN modem in the 90s had one of the most wonderful sentences in the manual: "This device features a protocol analyzer. Be sure to toy around with it in order to familiarize yourself with the protocols you encounter.". <3
@nblr @jonn_blanchard Mostly unrelated: I tried getting ISDN BRI and was told "You can't have that" by Illinois Bell.
@lopta @jonn_blanchard [laughs in german after having received a 700 Mark subsidy for a private home ISDN-PABX in the 90s]
@lopta @jonn_blanchard I used to have a manual for the BBC Model B that had hand-drawn circuit diagrams of the entire system at the end. Not fold out, but they showed you exactly how everything worked.
@lopta @jonn_blanchard and radios included a schematic stuck to the inside of the case.
@denis @jonn_blanchard I do remember seeing that. :-)