Write a long reply to a long, involved post.
Pull down the screen a bit so you can re-read the post you’re replying to.
Pull down a hair too far. Trigger a reload.
Lose the reply I wrote.
I want to keep using Mastodon in a browser but this is _killing me_. Ok, off to file a bug.
Desktop or mobile? #Debugging
@SpaceLifeForm mobile, iOS
Thanks. IOS seems to be a factor.
@SpaceLifeForm the whole pull-down-to-refresh thing is great everywhere except when I’m replying to a post, and then it is doom.
Exactly. Do you have AWI mode enabled?
Advanced Web Interface. In your preferences.
Also, do you have Slow Mode in your preferences?
@mhoye @SpaceLifeForm This is browser behaviour. I'm not even sure websites have any way of overriding it.
I’m 100% ready to believe you, if you say this is a unsolvable Apple/WebKit problem.
I have encountered similar glitches with FF, more often on mobile that desktop.
It seems to be related to Javascript and how mouse events interact with the main browser renderer.
One glitch that I pretty frequently encounter with FF on Android, is phantom click. After submitting a reply to a post, many times it returns not to where I was in Home timeline, but acts as though I did an expand post on the post immediately underneath the one I replied to.
I also suspect a memory leak in the Javascript.
That Safari and Firefox use different engines (Webkit + JavaScriptCore and Gecko + SpiderMonkey) likely results in different behavior.