There is no such thing as a bad Linux distro except Hannah Montana Linux. No, I take it back. That award goes to the bastardized version of Linux called WSL.
@nixCraft It's not even a "Windows Subsystem for Linux"; it's a Linux subsystem for Windows.
@mikeTesteLinux @ma10gan @nixCraft it deserves that though lol
@mikeTesteLinux @ma10gan @nixCraft I am, but really, I hate linux at least for desktop, for servers it is ok.
There's a bit of history there. The initial implementation of WSL was actually Linux syscalls baked into the Windows kernel. Essentially there was a windows subsystem that understood Linux syscalls and could run ELF binaries. Hence the "windows subsystem for linux". Then they realized it eas much faster to run the actual Linux kernel using hyper-v. Since then, you're right it's more like LSW than WSL.
*Me flies away after giving unsolicited info*
On the one hand that's witty, since clearly WSL means one is running Windows.
On the other hand, WSL allows one to install *any* version of Linux, so...
I'm sure Ryan at @TuxDigital would agree too. What do you think @MichaelTunnell ?
@nixCraft WSL2, on the other hand, is good.
@nixCraft Well it's a bit shitty, but it is still better than Windows it uses as bootloader.
Using WSL for the day job, hard, hard agree. Only using it because the IT department is 150% msft and refuses to even THINK about a Linux machine.
@nixCraft Please, give concrete reasons.
@nixCraft suicide linux comes close though.
@nixCraft Not a WSL(2) user, but have spoken to a couple of peeps who are or were in the past. Their view was WSL > MacOSX for development, esp. if containers are involved.
@wbftw @nixCraft I do mac for work and wsl for personal projects, and tbh it's a very similar experience if you use docker desktop, it sets up everything for you.
I do prefer WSL just a tiny bit more, because it comes with the windows DE experience, where you have some form of control. While changing anything in macos DE is super hacky and works only half the time.
@nixCraft I tried different distros ~12y ago but the experience was bad. After some time on mac for work, WSL enabled me to code serious projects in my spare time on my personal winPC. I loved it.
For a long while it was the best of both worlds, letting me code in a Unix env while having a familiar and mature DE + the best gaming support.
With microsoft enshittifying windows beyond repair I plan to give it up for good. But #WSL will forever be in my heart as the thing that got me into #linux.
@nixCraft why have I never heard of Hannah Montana Linux? I need to try it.
@nixCraft Had too many issues with WSL, so I finally switched to VirtualBox. Plus, WSL requires installing additional software over time. Now I just start my headless Fedora VM from powershell. No GUI needed. BTW I've updated to 41 last night.