Somewhere in the latter right end 1/10th we have a missing "But China...".
@openscience @annmlipton Artist is Brendan Leonard, @semi_rad@threads.net: https://instagram.com/p/BpXomQyA5qv
@openscience Yeah, and we passed oops a long time ago and we still got a bunch of people in the cyan or whatever.
@crazyeddie @openscience yeah for the Gish Gallopers it was a mobius strip all along.
@openscience This is all conservative responses to all problems ever.
Once you see it... you can't unsee it.
@dandb @openscience
Iraq has gas stockpiles!
Iraq has mobile bio labs!
Iraq has yellow cake!
Iraq has aluminum centrifuge tubes!
Iraq did 9/11!
Iraq has gas stockpiles!
@openscience The conversation will soon change from, "climate change isn't real" to "climate change is real, but it's too late to do anything about it, so why bother?"
@openscience we are now in the "oops" portion
@openscience , yes, unfortunately it seems that is how things will play out... :(
@openscience I have NEVER understood why my friends who deny climate change (who, almost to a fault, are evangelical Republicans) are unable to process that it's the RATE of temperature increases is undeniably part of our increased burning of fossil fuels over the past 150-200 years.
@emil @openscience Come on, the real issue with nuke, when it could have still helped was that fossil power was waaaaay much cheaper and therefore no one was interested in building them. That was the oil crisis that kickstarted the prod of many reactors, but once the oil price went back to normal, there was not much appetite left to build new ones (because it's CRAZY expensive).
And now, let say we start building new reactors. You need more than 20 years to get one of the ground.
@emil @openscience And considering ALL the already built reactors are contributing to less than 5% of all energy produced in the world (not just elec- for elec only it's 10%), that gives you an idea of the money and timeframe needed to solve anything with nuclear now. And ok, you have everyone talking about SMR and how they are the solution, but at this point no public opinion prevent them to be built and they are still nowhere ready.
@emil @openscience Nuclear could have been usefull at one point, don't get me wrong, that was a cool tech and we should improve it (we actually tried, see super Phoenix, Astrid and other similar failures) and we are on to something with fusion. But it was not killed by environmentalist. That was just simple cost calculation from the same people that are now still eagerly investing in fossil because it's still cheaper than renewables. Don't shoot on the wrong target ;)
@emil @openscience Now it's just too late for it to change anything. i.e,Henkley point is still not done, and as of now, on the same period,Germany has build more power trough renewable than the HP reactor will produce the day it will start. What is the point? Having a stable source of power? Should we bet that we will be able to wait 20y just to get a stable power source, while we could incrementaly build more each year and bet that battery evolution will provide us the power stability we need?
@openscience starting to feel like we have entered the oh fuck phase
@openscience Please don't repeat the myth. Just state the truth.
Also more than 90% of people are aware and 60% afraid of climate change surveys from years ago show.
There is no need need to cover the minority who isn't (mostly big oil funded trolls).
@openscience but I am missing
"Climate change is real - but not made by man"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I'm too small - changes have no effect"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but my country is too small - changes have no effect"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I like my lifestyle, meat and SUV"
"Climate change is real and made by man - but I don't give a f..."
@openscience I wish this was less true than it is.
@openscience Sad reality :(
It's like this not only with climate change, but with some other problems as well.
Actually no, for most problems it's "If I don't think about it, it's going to disappear"
@openscience yep, looks accurate. Deny until ish hits the fan, then scatter around in search of options.
@openscience If we don't act now, I don't know if I will live to see my future descendants.
Leaves out the "Our business activity is going to destroy the world" "We need to hide that"
@openscience so true! lie, lie, lie for decades then say there is nothing we can do. thanks for posting!
@openscience And notice that the timeline *ends*...