Ok, so, can we shout on browsers to bring back the "Subscribe to RSS/Atom feed" button in/near the URL bar?
I mean, clearly people are still using RSS/Atom. And they get annoyed they cannot find an easy way to subscribe.
@rysiek I'm preparing to do it in my browser now but I'm nobody. Please FireFox, Edge, Chrome, Opera do it too!
Safari on the otherhand has it in the form of "shared links", which I don't know what to think of.
@alcinnz well you're not nobody. You're someone with your own browser. That's a lot.
@rysiek @bob Or on free desktops I can send webfeeds you subscribe directly to your feedreader. Which Liferea, Akregegator, & QuiteRSS already supports. Though I will looking to contribute to other apps.
Also I'm keen to allow for unsubscribing from my UI and to allow feedreaders to specialize to different content types, though that would require optional extensions to the IPC protocols.
@rysiek firefox has it
@will where? I cannot see it in the interface anywhere, and yes I am looking at a page wth RSS/Atom feeds indicated in <meta> tags.
@rysiek on firefox, you can open the menu, then custom and you must have an RSS icon in the available to add it in your interface (sorry for my bad english :/ )
@will well, I know one can add the icon if one tries hard enough; but I believe browsers should have it available in the urlbar by default.
@rysiek yes, i think it should be in url bar by default, be at least, you can readd it
@will and don't apologize about your English; it's also not my first language.
Language's main function is to communicate, and you have communicated. So it worked. :)
@will @rysiek bad news about that: https://p1k3.com/2018/7/26/
(link is me ranting about this very subject. i agree that it should be a builtin in all browsers.)
@brennen @will @rysiek yep, they buried the feature in the interface then later decided not enough people were using it so they didn't have to support it anymore
I guess this means hyperlinks to RSS have to be in the body section of a webpage now because the usual <link> tag in the header for it will increasingly be ignored.
@bobstechsite @brennen @rysiek somebody made oan addon to readd the button https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/awesome-rss/
@bobstechsite @brennen @will @zyx this annoys me to no end, Firefox is adding bullcrap "features" like Pocket but removes crucial functionality like RSS/Atom.
I remember reading a post by someone from Mozilla about why they are removing the button from the default interface, and the reason was "it's not used as much as other parts of the interface".
No shit! You only need to click on it once per website you're actually interested in. But it needs to be there when you need it.
addons people ADDONS
whatever you DO NOT PANIC
This is such utter BS btw. How in your face do want live bookarks & rss/atom to be? Firefox has NOT hidden away the feature to date. Your statement was emphatically untrue.
This screencap via the atom feed of my Mastodon acct.
It currently works. Users are being given MONTHS of notice of its deprecation. Mozilla has made sure there will be usable alternatives. Mozilla has made sure you will be able back your data up.
Genuinely don't understand the anger.
@zyx @rysiek @brennen @will I would recommend you read the thread (with links) that preceded your last toot.
These explain why people feel the option was "hidden away" and why we're disappointed it'll become an optional add-on rather than natively supported.
Personally, I've been using Firefox since 2005 so I'm not just criticising these decisions because I have some kind of axe to grind!
I'm backing out of this conversation over this button.
@rysiek I’ve been contemplating this lately as well. Specifically I wondered if there were some sort of web intent or JavaScript API for telling your browser or OS that you had an RSS feed to use in a transaction and give me a list of options, like how there’s that navigator.share functionality starting to gain traction for web apps.
@rysiek I've gone back to RSS feeds myself. Using Feedly to get my news instead of passively relying on Twitter. or Facebook, which is worse.
@rysiek @Antanicus I use my own TinyTiny RSS instance, and have a bookmarklet that does that. But yeah, native support would be cool.
@rysiek firefox has it, you just have to add it to the bar. it should be default.
@rysiek Related: I made a tool to export the feeds of the websites of the accounts one follows on Twitter: https://opml.glitch.me/
@Luca I remember when Twitter had RSS/Atom feeds for each account and hashtag: http://rys.io/en/75#node75-3
That was a long time ago.