I didn't expect my post about Swedish Television mistakenly labeling Vladimir Putin as "president USA" yesterday to blow up the way it did. What I *really* didn't expect was #Hachyderm's admins deleting my post just as it was approaching a thousand boosts. This because someone allegedly reported it as "misinformation", and that what I saw on TV "does not appear to have actually happened"... which ironically is about as Putinesque a statement can be.
So how would you fact check this? A few people commenting on the post had already done that, the way people normally do — by asking for the source. And they got it. I even boosted the link to SVT Play, where the broadcast can be streamed by anyone. It's still there https://www.svtplay.se/video/jAM5B9o/aktuellt/tor-13-mar-21-00?position=135
The Hachyderm "fact checking" process doesn't ask for a source though. In fact, they didn't ask me for anything. Since there were no news headlines mentioning this blunder, it must not have happened.
I appreciate the lecture for me to "fact check my posts before posting", but the assumption that I'd want to post anything on this instance again could certainly need some fact checking.
To the rest of you, enjoy this last screenshot of Putin definitely not getting labeled as "president USA" on SVT2 News on Swedish Television. And for those of you who can't get enough of things that never happened, I'll post a video in a comment below too.
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Wenn Bundespräsident #Steinmeier über die nötige “Aufarbeitung” der #Corona-#Pandemie spricht, klingt das so, als wollte er noch den letzten Querdenker besänftigen. Wann und wie wird eigentlich wieder der #Covid-Toten gedacht (letzte Gedenkfeier war bei 80.000 Toten 2021, jetzt sind es mehr als doppelt so viele), wie werden deren Angehörige, Menschen mit #LongCovid “abgeholt”? Wie wird gewürdigt, dass Zehntausende Menschen nur wegen Pflegekräften, Hygienemaßnahmen, Impfungen noch am Leben sind?
We have hit our target! The Vagina Museum is saved! This #WomensHistoryMonth, together we prevented the Vagina Museum from becoming a footnote in women's history. Instead, we made women's history. This community prevailed against overwhelming forces... in a single day. https://www.gofundme.com/f/btscc2
Trump names himself "Chief law enforcement officer" and promises to abuse the Justice Department to attack everyone who was involved in investigating his own crimes.
This man is building a dictatorship.
“After he balances the budget” is doing a lot of work here.
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Introducing rust-stakeholder - a CLI tool that generates absolutely meaningless but impressive-looking terminal output to convince everyone you're a coding genius without writing a single line of useful code.
The man who “accidentally” threw two Nazi salutes at a rally recently retweeted someone who claimed Stalin, Mao, and Hitler didn't murder millions--their government employees did.
These are the people running our government, in case you want to know what's ahead.
Given that this is the third German treated horribly by ICE, I think Germany should turn Elon's support for Neo-Nazis into a diplomatic issue.
Green card holder from New Ham...
Covid, 5 years on: what have we learned?
Thanks to science, another spanish flu style catastrophe as in 1918 was prevented.
"The mRNA vaccines prevented millions of deaths. The technology for building new, effective vaccines quickly came on in leaps and bounds. Masks worked. And as with every pandemic in recent history, subsequent reviews have found that the advice to go early and hard with containment was correct."
#Caturday #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #AdoptDontShop Meet 18 month old Bri, the new family member.
hello there, I'm back. I had no internet for 5 days straight and had some minor damage around the house due to the cyclone.
Here is a Dragon for you. I think it might like salty water. Or maybe it just came to see the sunset? Or possible it is just a Sea Dragon coming back home.
This is an extremely good article of all the ways Trump is bringing authoritarianism to the United States of America. With multiple experts drawing multiple parallels to past fascist regimes and also, how it is different this time, particularly with information warfare.
Wake up America.
For the love of god.
#trump #usa #fascism