@Chrishallbeck Oppositional defiance disorder is a struggle. Unless you're pointing it out when I do it. Then maybe I don't wanna struggle after all. You're not the boss of me!
@Chrishallbeck @trendytoots I feel attacked
@Chrishallbeck I see you've met my tween. Sigh...
@textualdeviance @Chrishallbeck Or he's met 50 year old me. Feeling shamed or lacking the autonomy to give consent (whether real or imagined) really fucking hurts.
@elight @Chrishallbeck 52-year-old me says, "Yuuuuup."
@Chrishallbeck yep that's me
@Chrishallbeck "Hmpf ...now I'm not doing it!"
So relatable.
@Chrishallbeck Boosted for truth.