Updated the sponsors page. Thank you to the people who sponsor Mastodon! https://joinmastodon.org/sponsors
@Gargron Nice! Maybe it should clarify that ppl contribute X $ per month? B/c otherwise it sounds like they do maybe $40 total per year or something.
This reminds me to up my contribution to a higher level (when I’m not on my phone)!
@Gargron Are there other vectors of payment/sponsorship aside from Patreon? Thinking of advancing a proposal to make a contribution from social.coop, but patreon would be a little tricky given our use of opencollective for financial stuff.
@mattcropp @gargron there's a liberapay? Don't know if it's better. https://liberapay.com/Mastodon/
@mattcropp @gargron I honestly don't know :)