Trying to remember how Mastodon works. Glad it’s here, though.
@GreatDismal hooray you are my first!
@GreatDismal I was thinking how this feels like the old LiveJournal days, and then remembering that LJ fell to the Klept, much as it looks like Bird app has fallen to a war _within_ the Klept.
@GreatDismal You'll just have a neurochip to upgrade...
@GreatDismal me too it's a bit of a maze but feels like a refuge.
@GreatDismal glad to see you are here! hope more people move
ps. about to watch the latest Peripheral
@GreatDismal If Facebook was 'the Mall' and Twitter 'the street'...where are we now?
@mossyama The rain forest. There's a rich diverse ecosystem, you can't see very far, and it's impossible to monetize.
@mossyama @GreatDismal the funky Bohemian coffee house / bookstore with a resident #cat who judges you, as you sit in the comfy chair and read.
An alley, right before they put a Starbucks in.
The beautiful mountain trail. During the Ice Age of course.
@GreatDismal like Milgrim, here I am following just the one account (yours).
@GreatDismal I was just talking to a friend today about The Peripheral and Twitter. I haven't read your books yet, but I've followed you for a long time on Twitter. He's read your books multiple times. I was telling him to watch the show and that I was going to miss your account on Twitter if/when it implodes or I finally quit. So f'n yay.
@GreatDismal What brings you here? Again?
@GreatDismal Nice to see you here!
@GreatDismal Welcome back, nice to see you here
@GreatDismal Welcome to the Fediverse, Mr. Gibson.
@drwho @GreatDismal Yes, mastodon needs all the SF (and other) authors!
@GreatDismal welcome to Fedi!
I wonder, have you ever written or shared your stance on #solarpunk ? I would love to gear your perspective on a movement so organic and inorganic at the same time, trying to define itself by what it isnt
@GreatDismal welcome back!
@GreatDismal Welcome to one of the last remaining cool parts of the internet.
There was a time where billionaire psychopaths outright buying control of virtual spaces to bend them to their will sounded like a cyberpunk cliché. Yet here we are. Guess we are going to find out how resilient the fediverse is soon enough.
@GreatDismal Can you remember the feeling of opening the bird app back in the day? I couldn´t. Seems like 20 years and 100 news cycles ago..
@GreatDismal So glad to see you here!
@GreatDismal I’m so glad you’re here! It works like when the internet was fun and wasn’t just corporate algorithms shitting on your attention
@GreatDismal Glad to have you on board! I remember meeting you back in 2010 when you were walking by Dulevy St. with Douglas Coupland. I gave you a t-shirt.
@GreatDismal Hot damn I’m glad you’re here.
@GreatDismal I just realized this was here after stumbling a bit to do something myself, and it helped clarify a number of things for me. Hope it helps!
@jefmes @GreatDismal That is helpful. Been walking around in the dark, stubbing my toe for 45 minutes.
@GreatDismal It's the information superhighway. The cyberspace. The series of tubes.
Well, in actuality, it's basically glorified E-mail. But it will blow your mind if you let it, I promise!
I'm glad you joined us.
@GreatDismal hello squire
@GreatDismal let's go!
@GreatDismal Ditto. Glad you're here!
Thinking of dropping twitter or just doing research?
@GreatDismal Glad you're back.
Adding verification that you're you via some verified site like via bird site tweet or Facebook post and pinning it to your profile would be nice addition.
@GreatDismal Thank you for not forgetting us!!!
@GreatDismal I am literally reading the Peripheral tonight, it’s in my lap lol. Thanks for the years of inspiration for so many. Welcome to this cozy, hackerish place that is so, so much better than the bird site.
@GreatDismal Glad to have you.
@GreatDismal What I've discovered so far is:
1. Local shows people on my server (
2. Home shows posts from people I follow.
3. Federated shows posts connected to people I follow.
That seems to be enough to get started.
PS: The Peripheral show is off to a great start - must feel good to have such a well-respected adaptation unfolding!
@GreatDismal oh thank goodness you're here. I can leave Twitter now
@GreatDismal It is easy to remember, just like falling off a bike :) - and thanks for forgetting
@GreatDismal glad to have you here too
@GreatDismal I’m using (on my phone and tablet) an app called Metatext. The result is like Twitter as it should have been all along, I think. Only we need more people to come over.
@GreatDismal Glad to have you here with us!
@GreatDismal welcome back! Nubbins are on me
@GreatDismal you know, I bet you specifically could meaningfully shape how it works. No pressure.
@alexismadrigal @GreatDismal Musk buying Twitter was Bigendian as Hell to me
@GreatDismal Good to see you make the jump! Maybe it will prompt more writers/authors and creators to join up here?
@GreatDismal It's a pity doesn't use ActivityPub.
@irwin @GreatDismal it really is. Wonder if the Fediverse ballooning rapidly might convince them to pivot.
@GreatDismal Welcome back, sir.
@GreatDismal Your presence here has just reduced the potential utility of Twitter by about 10%.Welcome!
@GreatDismal welcome to the party! We're all just kind of trying to figure it out
@GreatDismal I have a rough orientation up at
For something a little more comprehensive, covers almost everything.
Welcome to the fediverse, I think you’ll like the ethos here a bit more than some other sites!
@GreatDismal It's like riding a fidonet.