This comic was made in honor of my dear friend, Caleb, who sadly passed away earlier this month. He was one of my greatest friends. Among the many things we did together, he built the website that my comics would call home to this day. Thanks for everything, Caleb. Rest easy.
@MrLovenstein ((( hugs )))
@MrLovenstein that last panel hit hard. I hope you alright
@MrLovenstein An important person for me passed away early this month too, and your comic makes me happy and sad at the same time. Thanks a lot for it.
@MrLovenstein Wishing you the best after a devastating loss. He sounds like an amazing person and will be missed. Beautiful comic that really was impactful.
I'm sorry for your loss. You found a great way to honour your friend <3
@MrLovenstein may he rest in peace, he was so young. Why did he pass, if I may ask?
@MrLovenstein dude it's too early for the feels
@MrLovenstein my condolences for your loss.
I must say that your comic is spot on, even before reading the reason behind it I was stroke by it and how it made me thought on all loved ones that I'll remember for both of us. And the Gods now that I'm very lucky and life, or the opposite of life, haven't taken many friends away from me
@MrLovenstein Wholesome
@MrLovenstein #ALT4you
4-panel comic
1st panel: viewed from above, two characters are laying down on the grass, looking up at the sky. One is pink, the other yellow, both look content.
2nd panel: zoom in on Pink, who says "Hey, remember when we..."
3rd panel: zoom out, Pink sees that Yellow is not here any more, their only trace a shadow of disturbed grass.
4th panel: Pink is sitting up, with their back almost to us, looking at the blue sky with billowing clouds and far away birds. While welling up, they say: "I'll remember for the both of us".
(written while ugly-crying)
@MrLovenstein wow....
@MrLovenstein man.
Right in the feelz.
@MrLovenstein A hug to you. Rembering is love prolonged. And love that can never be taken from you. May your friend rest in peace and the love you shared keep your heart warm. Always.