Need to point this out.
As a murderer stabbed a Muslim woman named Dr. Talat Khan to death, witnesses report that 17 Texans pulled out their firearms. 17! The murderer stabbed her, stopped to check her pulse, confirmed she was alive, & went back to stabbing her to death.
And 17 "good guys with guns" did nothing.
A reminder that the "good guy with a gun" myth is a propaganda point to sell more guns. It does nothing beyond an anecdote to save lives.
Given that they had the means by which to intercede — presumably without significant hazard to themselves — it would be interesting to know if they could be charged as accomplices?
Might Dr. Khan’s relatives have the basis for a civil case against them? Perhaps it might add another dimension to the responsibilities of gun ownership and carry — as part of a militia you have an obligation to step in…
The cops are not obligated to step in or risk themselves in any way. There's no way this would hold up in court
Probably not, they were citizens, though, not police.
Moreover, at least part of the point would be to draw attention to the fallacy of the “good man with a gun" and the hypocrisy of the carriers.
They did intercede. The headline on this post misrepresents the article content.
The article states:
"more than a dozen people came out of the apartment block carrying guns after they were alerted by Dr Khan's screams.”
And that's as far as it goes.
They clearly didn't stop he being murdered.
So "good guys with guns" didn't prevent it.
@mmalc @DeborahForPlus @QasimRashid
The implication of the toot is that the 17 individuals witnessed an attack, pulled out their guns, and then did not try to intercede in the attack, which is a lie.
If the point is that people with guns but not in a position to stop a violent attack cannot in fact stop a violent attack, well then your argument is sound.
@kcarr2015 @DeborahForPlus @QasimRashid
We are perenially told by the ammosexual crowd that the solution to violence in society is more good guys with guns.
Evidently there were plenty of “good guys with guns" in the vicinity, and yet the atrocity occurred.
The fundamental point is that even in the best case scenario good guys with guns are too late. You need to prevent an event, not stop it part-way through commission. Removing guns will help with that.
@mmalc @kcarr2015 @QasimRashid
Mmalc I am not in any way approving of "ammosexuals". And I agree the good guys with guns thing is BS. And they were not standing around doing nothing during the attack which is the picture I got without reading the story - incorrectly.
@kcarr2015 @DeborahForPlus @QasimRashid
Making this point in a separate post:
@mmalc @kcarr2015 @QasimRashid
Take me out of the argue with forevermore list please. I agree with you on the points.
That's rather passive-aggressive and implicitly insulting.
I'm not arguing, and I'm not intending to pursue this *here* forevermore — I gave a pointer specifically to a new thread to make the point more widely. Anyone who wants to join in there is free to, anyone who doesn't is free to ignore it.
@kcarr2015 @mmalc @QasimRashid
Kevin you said it more clearly than I did.
They came out after him and he ran away. They weren't just standing there with guns, watching him kill her.
That's why, to me, what happened doesn't match the picture I got from the description.
@QasimRashid "Grabbed my sword" to help? Who keeps a sword handy to stop an attack? What is wrong with you #Texas? Oh yeah. It's #MAGA, #GOP and all those "good #christians".
This is an act of domestic terrorism.
@thinking_images @QasimRashid I went wall-eyed at that one too. You grabbed your *what*?
I wish I could have had the weapon or the courage that could have stopped this, had I been there. I am so sorry for the loss of Dr. Khan and for the hatred, violence, and weapons fetishism that we in our society cannot overcome.
@QasimRashid This is exactly my experience. A few years ago a woman was being assaulted on our street and none of our neighbors, almost all of which made a big show of their firearms, did absolutely nothing to help. My wife and I called the police and ran out to help, but we were alone. Maybe what we did was dumb and dangerous, but we weren't going to stand by and watch like the cowards that gun owners are.
Men are cowards. We are governed by supposed leaders but they are cowards. Men with guns are cowards.
Disgusting. Makes me sick.
They don't give a crap about women.
@QasimRashid But of course... they feared for their lives
Those bystanders pulled out their guns to get all hard watching someone else get killed while imagining how they would Rambo it up if the attacker went after anyone important, like their own selves.
@RaePatterson @QasimRashid this was my first thought. They pulled out their guns so that they could make sure no one stopped the attacker.
@QasimRashid damn it - I'm torn between my prejudices about the US's insane love of guns and the Daily Mail's rabid need to misrepresent everything they report on...
Texas is even less safe for minorities than the rest of the US.
@QasimRashid This is terrible.
@QasimRashid This is the most Texas story I have ever seen. Racism. Guns. Swords. Absolute insanity.
@QasimRashid Many folks who carry have the belief that the weapon they carry are to protect their own lives and those that they love. They aren't sworn to enforce the law and can be charged if their actions were not in self-defense. I'm not debating what happened isn't terrible, just providing some additional context.
@QasimRashid where are the police when you need them
@littleEva @QasimRashid hiding on the other side of a door
@QasimRashid Texas is a Klan state, these men were there to help the murderer finish his hate crime.
@QasimRashid A bunch of people came to her aid but they were too late. The alternative is to disarm them. There's no way on earth reading this story makes me less inclined to carry a gun.
A gun doesn't make me invincible and guarantee I can stop a racist attack like this, but it gives me better chance.
@QasimRashid Reminds me of the Kitty Genovese murder in NY in 1964.
@QasimRashid good guys with guns has to be the stupidest statement & thought in human history.
@QasimRashid This tragedy also serves as a prime example of what happens when a deranged person only has access to a knife as opposed to an assault rifle.
@QasimRashid Yes, but, how many normal guys without guns didn't do anything either? Does owning a gun obligate you to risk your life?
@QasimRashid good guys with guns don't supposed to shoot white people attacking non white people, it's just to shoot & kill non white people at discretion... It's working perfectly as intended. More surprised those 17 didn't finish the job on behalf of this guy by 'accident'.
@QasimRashid Those are 17 cases of assisted murder by inaction that should face life in jail.
Because they have no reason not to have fired at least a warning shot.
People unable and/or unwilling to pull the trigger when it's justified should never be allowed to carry a firearm.
Because all they do is act as walking gun closets!
@QasimRashid I wonder had this been a Black or Brown man and the unfortunate victim been a white woman...would the 17 "good guys with guns" had given chase Ahmad Aubrey-style?
According to the article only one witness said this and there are no details.
Clearly that person is a nut. 17 guys with guns witnessing a stabbing would all be trying to impress each other by drawing and shooting first. Especially a woman. They wouldn’t know she’s Muslim and they wouldn’t care. They’d shoot the guy.
Just like Frank Drebin (Police Squad!) “When I see five guys in togas stabbing someone I shoot! That’s my policy!” “You killed five Shakespeare in the Park actors!”
@QasimRashid Guns are to protect themselves, not to protect others!
That's horrible .
@QasimRashid @Hoos as a Texan, I can confirm that many of them are so scared all the time, they’ll abruptly cut across 6-7 lanes of traffic on the freeway to get to an exit instead of just taking a u-turn at the next exit a mile ahead. Good guys with a gun is a cinematic fantasy.
@QasimRashid Truly horrible and devastating! It’s important that every race realizes that the fight is everywhere. If people vote for a party that condones this behavior, to turn one group of people against another to maintain power politically, it will be even worse . I hope people don’t let propaganda and hypocrisy fool them into not making the best choices at the polls. Divide and conquer has caused the US to become a laughingstock. Please stand united at the polls.
Story doesn’t say that, it says 17 people came outside with guns after they heard her screams. That is absolutely not enough information to label them all as Muslim hating racists who deserve life in prison. Y’all need to be better.
Chain of events aside, possessing a gun does not make you a crime-fighting vigilante and we absolutely fucking do not want that to be the case.
Thy did not do nothing. They made sure nobody stopped the murderer.
@QasimRashid Most people will freeze in an emergency. It takes months and months of training to be able to react quickly. The “good guy with a gun” is a farcical myth.
...and the murderer looks EXACTLY like you'd expect.
YEESH! (inbred nutbag v1.5.)