As @mattwiebe already mentioned, we are focussing on support this week, so feel free to ask me anything this week! I try to be as helpful as possible!
@pfefferle @mattwiebe Is there anyway to force an account/profile to recache the avatar? @stupid has the default gravatar for weeks.
@cdevroe Hmmm. We send profile updates whenever a relevant field is authored. But Gravatar sits outside of that, and even worse, its URL never changes even after an update. Mastodon will look at it, and say "yup already in my cache" and move along.
@pfefferle maybe we need to add either a local avatar override or some kind of URL query string buster to the gravatar? Because maybe this means that nobody can ever really update their Gravatar?
@mattwiebe @pfefferle My tip to anyone setting this up is to not publish anything on an author profile until you’ve set up Gravatar.
But I agree, some way to host an avatar outside of Gravatar and/or force an update would be great.
@cdevroe We do have a local override available if you install the Enable Mastodon Apps plugin and log into that with the user in question and edit the profile in the app.
You can't delete the override anywhere else in wp-admin, but it should hopefully solve your problem.