Linux was invented to stop family members from asking you to fix their computer.
When they know your answer is gonna be "Lemme install Linux on it" they don't ask.
@cjd @RyuKurisu Someone needs to confirm this with Linus. I bet he would confess!
LOL it rings true! Though one family member accepted I install Linux on their PC (my dad now 82). Support calls from him nearly dropped to zero. All others I tell "sorry, I no longer know how to troubleshoot Windows, I only use it at work".
@cjd "is BSD okay?"
My dad complained that one of his friends was unable to open the Word document. Everyone else could. But his friend insisted the file was broken.
Result: his kids were the only ones that had installed MS Office instead of nstalling LibreOffice and renaming the Writer icon to "Word".
The MS Office of that time could not open .ODT files.
@cjd sorry to say that's not working for me: I told everyone: I'll stop supporting Windows with version 7, because I don't own any Win-PC. Two years later my whole family uses various debian distros… not sure if I won or lost tthe game…